Customize Process Group Backends Using Cpp Extensions ===================================================== **Author**: `Howard Huang `, `Feng Tian `__, `Shen Li `__, `Min Si `__ .. note:: |edit| View and edit this tutorial in `github `__. Prerequisites: - `PyTorch Distributed Overview <../beginner/dist_overview.html>`__ - `PyTorch Collective Communication Package `__ - `PyTorch Cpp Extension `__ - `Writing Distributed Applications with PyTorch `__ This tutorial demonstrates how to implement a custom ``Backend`` and plug that into `PyTorch distributed package `__ using `cpp extensions `__. This is helpful when you need a specialized software stack for your hardware, or when you would like to experiment with new collective communication algorithms. Basics ------ PyTorch collective communications power several widely adopted distributed training features, including `DistributedDataParallel `__, `ZeroRedundancyOptimizer `__, `FullyShardedDataParallel `__. In order to make the same collective communication API work with different communication backends, the distributed package abstracts collective communication operations into a `Backend `__ class. Different backends can then be implemented as subclasses of ``Backend`` using preferred third-party libraries. PyTorch distributed comes with three default backends, ``ProcessGroupNCCL``, ``ProcessGroupGloo``, and ``ProcessGroupMPI``. However, beyond these three backends, there are also other communication libraries (e.g., `UCC `__, `OneCCL `__), different types of hardware (e.g., `TPU `__, `Trainum `__), and emerging communication algorithms (e.g., `Herring `__, `Reduction Server `__). Therefore, the distributed package exposes extension APIs to allow customizing collective communication backends. The 4 steps below show how to implement a dummy ``Backend`` backend and use that in Python application code. Please note that this tutorial focuses on demonstrating the extension APIs, instead of developing a functioning communication backend. Hence, the ``dummy`` backend just covers a subset of the APIs (``all_reduce`` and ``all_gather``), and simply sets the values of tensors to 0. Step 1: Implement a Subclass of ``Backend`` ------------------------------------------------ This first step is to implement a ``Backend`` subclass that overrides target collective communication APIs and runs the custom communication algorithm. The extension also needs to implement a ``Work`` subclass, which serves as a future of communication results and allows asynchronous execution in application code. If the extension uses third-party libraries, it can include the headers and call into the library APIs from the ``BackendDummy`` subclass. The two code snippets below present the implementation of ``dummy.h`` and ``dummy.cpp``. See the `dummy collectives `__ repository for the full implementation. .. code-block:: cpp // file name: dummy.hpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace c10d { class BackendDummy : public Backend { public: BackendDummy(int rank, int size); c10::intrusive_ptr allgather( std::vector>& outputTensors, std::vector& inputTensors, const AllgatherOptions& opts = AllgatherOptions()) override; c10::intrusive_ptr allreduce( std::vector& tensors, const AllreduceOptions& opts = AllreduceOptions()) override; // The collective communication APIs without a custom implementation // will error out if invoked by application code. }; class WorkDummy : public Work { public: WorkDummy( OpType opType, c10::intrusive_ptr future) // future of the output : Work( -1, // rank, only used by recvAnySource, irrelevant in this demo opType), future_(std::move(future)) {} bool isCompleted() override; bool isSuccess() const override; bool wait(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout = kUnsetTimeout) override; virtual c10::intrusive_ptr getFuture() override; private: c10::intrusive_ptr future_; }; } // namespace c10d .. code-block:: cpp // file name: dummy.cpp #include "dummy.hpp" namespace c10d { // This is a dummy allgather that sets all output tensors to zero // Modify the implementation to conduct real communication asynchronously c10::intrusive_ptr BackendDummy::allgather( std::vector>& outputTensors, std::vector& inputTensors, const AllgatherOptions& /* unused */) { for (auto& outputTensorVec : outputTensors) { for (auto& outputTensor : outputTensorVec) { outputTensor.zero_(); } } auto future = c10::make_intrusive( c10::ListType::create(c10::ListType::create(c10::TensorType::get()))); future->markCompleted(c10::IValue(outputTensors)); return c10::make_intrusive(OpType::ALLGATHER, std::move(future)); } // This is a dummy allreduce that sets all output tensors to zero // Modify the implementation to conduct real communication asynchronously c10::intrusive_ptr BackendDummy::allreduce( std::vector& tensors, const AllreduceOptions& opts) { for (auto& tensor : tensors) { tensor.zero_(); } auto future = c10::make_intrusive( c10::ListType::create(c10::TensorType::get())); future->markCompleted(c10::IValue(tensors)); return c10::make_intrusive(OpType::ALLGATHER, std::move(future)); } } // namespace c10d Step 2: Expose The Extension Python APIs ---------------------------------------- The backend constructors are called `from Python side `__, so the extension also needs to expose the constructor APIs to Python. This can be done by adding the following methods. In this example, ``store`` and ``timeout`` are ignored by the ``BackendDummy`` instantiation method, as those are not used in this dummy implementation. However, real-world extensions should consider using the ``store`` to perform rendezvous and supporting the ``timeout`` argument. .. code-block:: cpp // file name: dummy.hpp class BackendDummy : public Backend { ... ... static c10::intrusive_ptr createBackendDummy( const c10::intrusive_ptr<::c10d::Store>& store, int rank, int size, const std::chrono::duration& timeout); static void BackendDummyConstructor() __attribute__((constructor)) { py::object module = py::module::import("torch.distributed"); py::object register_backend = module.attr("Backend").attr("register_backend"); // torch.distributed.Backend.register_backend will add `dummy` as a // new valid backend. register_backend("dummy", py::cpp_function(createBackendDummy)); } } .. code-block:: cpp // file name: dummy.cpp c10::intrusive_ptr BackendDummy::createBackendDummy( const c10::intrusive_ptr<::c10d::Store>& /* unused */, int rank, int size, const std::chrono::duration& /* unused */) { return c10::make_intrusive(rank, size); } PYBIND11_MODULE(TORCH_EXTENSION_NAME, m) { m.def("createBackendDummy", &BackendDummy::createBackendDummy); } Step 3: Build The Custom Extension ---------------------------------- Now, the extension source code files are ready. We can then use `cpp extensions `__ to build it. To do that, create a ```` file that prepares the paths and commands. Then call ``python develop`` to install the extension. If the extension depends on third-party libraries, you can also specify ``libraries_dirs`` and ``libraries`` to the cpp extension APIs. See the `torch ucc `__ project as a real-world example. .. code-block:: python # file name: import os import sys import torch from setuptools import setup from torch.utils import cpp_extension sources = ["src/dummy.cpp"] include_dirs = [f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))}/include/"] if torch.cuda.is_available(): module = cpp_extension.CUDAExtension( name = "dummy_collectives", sources = sources, include_dirs = include_dirs, ) else: module = cpp_extension.CppExtension( name = "dummy_collectives", sources = sources, include_dirs = include_dirs, ) setup( name = "Dummy-Collectives", version = "0.0.1", ext_modules = [module], cmdclass={'build_ext': cpp_extension.BuildExtension} ) Step 4: Use The Extension in Application ---------------------------------------- After installation, you can conveniently use the ``dummy`` backend when calling `init_process_group `__ as if it is an builtin backend. We can specify dispatching based on backend by changing the ``backend`` argument of ``init_process_group``. We can dispatch collective with CPU tensor to ``gloo`` backend and dispatch collective with CUDA tensor to ``dummy`` backend by specifying ``cpu:gloo,cuda:dummy`` as the backend argument. To send all tensors to ``dummy`` backend, we can simply specify ``dummy`` as the backend argument. .. code-block:: python import os import torch # importing dummy_collectives makes torch.distributed recognize `dummy` # as a valid backend. import dummy_collectives import torch.distributed as dist os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost' os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29500' # Alternatively: # dist.init_process_group("dummy", rank=0, world_size=1) dist.init_process_group("cpu:gloo,cuda:dummy", rank=0, world_size=1) # this goes through gloo x = torch.ones(6) dist.all_reduce(x) print(f"cpu allreduce: {x}") # this goes through dummy if torch.cuda.is_available(): y = x.cuda() dist.all_reduce(y) print(f"cuda allreduce: {y}") try: dist.broadcast(y, 0) except RuntimeError: print("got RuntimeError when calling broadcast")