TorchEval =========================================== A library with simple and straightforward tooling for model evaluations and a delightful user experience. At a high level TorchEval: 1. Contains a rich collection of high performance metric calculations out of the box. We utilize vectorization and GPU acceleration where possible via PyTorch. 2. Integrates seamlessly with distributed training and tools using `torch.distributed `_ 3. Is designed with extensibility in mind: you have the freedom to easily create your own metrics and leverage our toolkit. 4. Provides tools for profiling memory and compute requirements for PyTorch based models. QuickStart =========================================== Installing ----------------- TorchEval can be installed from PyPi via .. code-block:: console pip install torcheval or from github .. code-block:: console git clone cd torcheval pip install -r requirements.txt python install Usage ----------------- TorchEval provides two interfaces to each metric. If you are working in a single process environment, it is simplest to use metrics from the ``functional`` submodule. These can be found in ``torcheval.metrics.functional``. .. code-block:: python from torcheval.metrics.functional import binary_f1_score predictions = model(inputs) f1_score = binary_f1_score(predictions, targets) We can use the same metric in the class based route, which provides tools that make computation simple in a multi-process setting. On a single device, you can use the class based metrics as follows: .. code-block:: python from torcheval.metrics import BinaryF1Score predictions = model(inputs) metric = BinaryF1Score() metric.update(predictions, targets) f1_score = metric.compute() In a multi-process setting, the data from each process must be synchronized to compute the metric across the full dataset. To do this, simply replace ``metric.compute()`` with ``sync_and_compute(metric)``: .. code-block:: python from torcheval.metrics import BinaryF1Score from torcheval.metrics.toolkit import sync_and_compute predictions = model(inputs) metric = BinaryF1Score() metric.update(predictions, targets) f1_score = sync_and_compute(metric) Read more about the class based method in the distributed example. Further Reading ----------------- * Check out the guides explaining the compute example * Check out the distributed example * Check out how to make your own metric Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` TorchEval Tutorials ------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Examples: QuickStart Notebook metric_example.rst TorchEval API ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: torcheval.metrics.rst torcheval.metrics.functional.rst torcheval.metrics.toolkit.rst