# TorchServe model snapshot TorchServe preserves server runtime configuration across sessions such that a TorchServe instance experiencing either a planned or unplanned service stop can restore its state upon restart. __Note:__ Current snapshot does not support workflow. A TorchServe's snapshot consists of following: - Server configuration, which comprises: Which models are running, which versions of those models, and how many workers are active for each model. - Default server configuration used while starting TorchServe the first time. The snapshot is taken at following instances - - After successful startup, the server stores its current configuration in a timestamped snapshot file ./logs/config/-startup.cfg - If a user calls the Management API in a way that changes the server runtime config, snapshot is saved to ./logs/config/-snapshot.cfg - When the server is shut down intentionally with `torchserve --stop`, snapshot is saved to ./logs/configs/-shutdown.cfg User can use snapshots to restore the TorchServe's state as follows : - If no config file is supplied with `--ts-config-file` flag while starting TorchServe, last snapshot in ./logs/configs is used for startup. - If no config file is supplied with `--ts-config-file` flag and no snapshots are available, TorchServe starts with default configurations. - The user restarts the server specifying this config file: `torchserve --start --model-store --ts-config ` If the user wishes to start without this resiliency feature, the user can start the server with : `torchserve --start --model-store --no-config-snapshots` This prevents to server from storing config snapshot files. The snapshots are by default in `{LOG_LOCATION}\config` directory, where `{LOG_LOCATION}` is a system environment variable that can be used by TorchServe. If this variable is not set, the snapshot is stored in `.\log\config` directory **Note** : 1. Models passed in --models parameter while starting TorchServe are ignored if restoring from a snapshot. 2. For windows, if shutdown snapshot file is not generated then you can use last snapshot file.