Implemented missing torch.nan* operators

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import torch
if "1.11.0" not in torch.__version__:
    !pip uninstall --y torch
    !pip install torch -f --pre
# Import factory function
from maskedtensor import masked_tensor
from maskedtensor import as_masked_tensor

Issue 21987

This issue was closed by inclusion into Issue 61474 - Implement missing torch.nan* operators. This proposes an alternative, which is to use masked tensors instead of introducing additional operators. Since nanmean has already landed, we can use it as a comparison point.

y = torch.arange(32).float()
x = y * y.fmod(4)
x = x.masked_fill(x == 0, float('nan'))
print(torch.mean(masked_tensor(x, ~torch.isnan(x))))
tensor([nan,  1.,  4.,  9., nan,  5., 12., 21., nan,  9., 20., 33., nan, 13.,
        28., 45., nan, 17., 36., 57., nan, 21., 44., 69., nan, 25., 52., 81.,
        nan, 29., 60., 93.])
masked_tensor( 32.6667, True)

MaskedTensor can further support reduction when fully masked out, as would be the case when a given Tensor is completetely nan. nanmean on the other hand returns nan when the input is entirely nan.

x = torch.empty(32)
print(torch.mean(masked_tensor(x, ~torch.isnan(x))))
tensor([nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan,
        nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan])
masked_tensor(--, False)

Further some users already want to use nan reductions to encode masked semantics.