ignite.engine ============== Main module of the library containing: ignite.engine.engine .. currentmodule:: ignite.engine.engine .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :autolist: ignite.engine.events .. currentmodule:: ignite.engine.events .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :autolist: ignite.engine.deterministic (helper methods for deterministic training) .. currentmodule:: ignite.engine.deterministic .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :autolist: and helper methods to define supervised trainer and evaluator: .. currentmodule:: ignite.engine .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :autolist-functions: More details about those structures can be found in :doc:`concepts`. .. currentmodule:: ignite.engine.engine .. autoclass:: Engine :members: .. autofunction:: ignite.engine.create_supervised_trainer .. autofunction:: ignite.engine.create_supervised_evaluator Resuming the training --------------------- It is possible to resume the training from a checkpoint and approximately reproduce original run's behaviour. Using Ignite, this can be easily done using :class:`~ignite.handlers.Checkpoint` handler. Engine provides two methods to serialize and deserialize its internal state :meth:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine.state_dict` and :meth:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine.load_state_dict`. In addition to serializing model, optimizer, lr scheduler etc user can store the trainer and then resume the training. For example: .. code-block:: python from ignite.engine import Engine, Events from ignite.handlers import Checkpoint, DiskSaver trainer = ... model = ... optimizer = ... lr_scheduler = ... data_loader = ... to_save = {'trainer': trainer, 'model': model, 'optimizer': optimizer, 'lr_scheduler': lr_scheduler} handler = Checkpoint(to_save, DiskSaver('/tmp/training', create_dir=True)) trainer.add_event_handler(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED, handler) trainer.run(data_loader, max_epochs=100) .. code-block:: bash ls /tmp/training > "checkpoint_50000.pt" We can then restore the training from the last checkpoint. .. code-block:: python from ignite.handlers import Checkpoint trainer = ... model = ... optimizer = ... lr_scheduler = ... data_loader = ... to_load = {'trainer': trainer, 'model': model, 'optimizer': optimizer, 'lr_scheduler': lr_scheduler} checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_file) Checkpoint.load_objects(to_load=to_load, checkpoint=checkpoint) trainer.run(train_loader, max_epochs=100) It is also possible to store checkpoints every N iterations and continue the training from one of these checkpoints, i.e from iteration. Complete examples that resumes the training from a checkpoint can be found here: - `save/resume MNIST `_ - `save/resume Distributed CIFAR10 `_ ignite.engine.events -------------------- .. currentmodule:: ignite.engine.events .. autoclass:: CallableEventWithFilter :members: .. autoclass:: Events :members: .. autoclass:: EventEnum .. autoclass:: EventsList .. autoclass:: State .. autoclass:: RemovableEventHandle :members: :undoc-members: ignite.engine.deterministic --------------------------- Deterministic training `````````````````````` In general, it is rather difficult task to achieve deterministic and reproducible trainings as it relies on multiple aspects, e.g. data version, code version, software environment, hardware etc. According to `PyTorch note on randomness `_: there are some steps to take in order to make computations deterministic on your specific problem on one specific platform and PyTorch release: - setup random state seed - set `cudnn to deterministic `_ if applicable By default, these two options can be enough to run and rerun experiments in a deterministic way. Ignite's engine does not impact this behaviour. In this module we provide helper methods and classes to make additional ":ref:`Dataflow synchronization`" to ensure that model sees the same data for a given epoch: - :class:`~ignite.engine.deterministic.DeterministicEngine` - :class:`~ignite.engine.deterministic.ReproducibleBatchSampler` .. currentmodule:: ignite.engine.deterministic .. automodule:: ignite.engine.deterministic :members: Dataflow synchronization ------------------------ Ignite provides an option to control the dataflow by synchronizing random state on epochs. In this way, for a given iteration/epoch the dataflow can be the same for a given seed. More precisely it is roughly looks like: .. code-block:: python for e in range(num_epochs): set_seed(seed + e) do_single_epoch_iterations(dataloader) In addition, if data provider is ``torch.utils.data.DataLoader``, batch data indices can be made completely deterministic. Here is a trivial example of usage: .. code-block:: python import torch from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from ignite.engine import DeterministicEngine, Events from ignite.utils import manual_seed def random_train_data_loader(size): data = torch.arange(0, size) return DataLoader(data, batch_size=4, shuffle=True) def print_train_data(engine, batch): i = engine.state.iteration e = engine.state.epoch print("train", e, i, batch.tolist()) trainer = DeterministicEngine(print_train_data) print("Original Run") manual_seed(56) trainer.run(random_train_data_loader(40), max_epochs=2, epoch_length=5) print("Resumed Run") # Resume from 2nd epoch trainer.load_state_dict({"epoch": 1, "epoch_length": 5, "max_epochs": 2, "rng_states": None}) manual_seed(56) trainer.run(random_train_data_loader(40)) .. code-block:: text Original Run train 1 1 [31, 13, 3, 4] train 1 2 [23, 18, 6, 16] train 1 3 [10, 8, 33, 36] train 1 4 [1, 37, 19, 9] train 1 5 [20, 30, 14, 26] train 2 6 [29, 35, 38, 34] train 2 7 [7, 22, 12, 17] train 2 8 [25, 21, 24, 15] train 2 9 [39, 5, 2, 28] train 2 10 [27, 11, 32, 0] Resumed Run train 2 6 [29, 35, 38, 34] train 2 7 [7, 22, 12, 17] train 2 8 [25, 21, 24, 15] train 2 9 [39, 5, 2, 28] train 2 10 [27, 11, 32, 0] We can see that the data samples are exactly the same between original and resumed runs. Complete examples that simulates a crash on a defined iteration and resumes the training from a checkpoint can be found here: - `save/resume MNIST `_ - `save/resume Distributed CIFAR10 `_ .. Note :: In case when input data is `torch.utils.data.DataLoader`, previous batches are skipped and the first provided batch corresponds to the batch after the checkpoint iteration. Internally, while resuming, previous datapoint indices are just skipped without fetching the data. .. warning:: However, while resuming from iteration, random data augmentations are not synchronized in the middle of the epoch and thus batches remaining until the end of the epoch can be different of those from the initial run. .. warning:: However, please, keep in mind that there can be an issue with dataflow synchronization on every epoch if user's handler synchronizes the random state, for example, by calling periodically ``torch.manual_seed(seed)`` during the run. This can have an impact on the dataflow: .. code-block:: python def random_train_data_generator(): while True: yield torch.randint(0, 100, size=(1, )) trainer = DeterministicEngine(print_train_data) @trainer.on(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED(every=3)) def user_handler(): # handler synchronizes the random state torch.manual_seed(12) a = torch.rand(1) trainer.run(random_train_data_generator(), max_epochs=3, epoch_length=5); .. code-block:: text train 1 1 [32] train 1 2 [29] train 1 3 [40] train 1 4 [3] <--- train 1 5 [22] train 2 6 [77] train 2 7 [3] <--- train 2 8 [22] train 2 9 [77] train 2 10 [3] <--- train 3 11 [22] train 3 12 [77] train 3 13 [3] <--- train 3 14 [22] train 3 15 [77] Initially, the function ``random_train_data_generator()`` generates randomly data batches using the random state set up by ``trainer``. This is intended behaviour until ``user_handler()`` is called. After ``user_handler()`` execution, random state is altered and thus ``random_train_data_generator()`` will produce random batches based on altered random state. We provide helper decorator :meth:`~ignite.engine.deterministic.keep_random_state` to save and restore random states for `torch`, `numpy` and `random`. Therefore, we can deal with described issue using this decorator: .. code-block:: python from ignite.engine.deterministic import keep_random_state @trainer.on(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED(every=3)) @keep_random_state def user_handler(): # handler synchronizes the random state torch.manual_seed(12) a = torch.rand(1)