Source code for ignite.metrics.gan.fid
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union
import torch
from packaging.version import Version
from ignite.metrics.gan.utils import _BaseInceptionMetric, InceptionModel
from ignite.metrics.metric import reinit__is_reduced, sync_all_reduce
__all__ = [
if Version(torch.__version__) <= Version("1.7.0"):
torch_outer = torch.ger
torch_outer = torch.outer
def fid_score(
mu1: torch.Tensor, mu2: torch.Tensor, sigma1: torch.Tensor, sigma2: torch.Tensor, eps: float = 1e-6
) -> float:
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError("fid_score requires numpy to be installed.")
import scipy.linalg
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError("fid_score requires scipy to be installed.")
mu1, mu2 = mu1.cpu(), mu2.cpu()
sigma1, sigma2 = sigma1.cpu(), sigma2.cpu()
diff = mu1 - mu2
# Product might be almost singular
covmean, _ = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(, disp=False)
# Numerical error might give slight imaginary component
if np.iscomplexobj(covmean):
if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(covmean).imag, 0, atol=1e-3):
m = np.max(np.abs(covmean.imag))
raise ValueError("Imaginary component {}".format(m))
covmean = covmean.real
tr_covmean = np.trace(covmean)
if not np.isfinite(covmean).all():
tr_covmean = np.sum(np.sqrt(((np.diag(sigma1) * eps) * (np.diag(sigma2) * eps)) / (eps * eps)))
return float( + torch.trace(sigma1) + torch.trace(sigma2) - 2 * tr_covmean)
[docs]class FID(_BaseInceptionMetric):
r"""Calculates Frechet Inception Distance.
.. math::
\text{FID} = |\mu_{1} - \mu_{2}| + \text{Tr}(\sigma_{1} + \sigma_{2} - {2}\sqrt{\sigma_1*\sigma_2})
where :math:`\mu_1` and :math:`\sigma_1` refer to the mean and covariance of the train data and
:math:`\mu_2` and :math:`\sigma_2` refer to the mean and covariance of the test data.
More details can be found in `Heusel et al. 2002`__
In addition, a faster and online computation approach can be found in `Chen et al. 2014`__
This implementation is inspired by `pytorch_fid` package which can be found `here`__
.. note::
The default Inception model requires the `torchvision` module to be installed.
FID also requires `scipy` library for matrix square root calculations.
num_features: number of features predicted by the model or the reduced feature vector of the image.
Default value is 2048.
feature_extractor: a torch Module for extracting the features from the input data.
It returns a tensor of shape (batch_size, num_features).
If neither ``num_features`` nor ``feature_extractor`` are defined, by default we use an ImageNet
pretrained Inception Model. If only ``num_features`` is defined but ``feature_extractor`` is not
defined, ``feature_extractor`` is assigned Identity Function.
Please note that the model will be implicitly converted to device mentioned in the ``device``
output_transform: a callable that is used to transform the
:class:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine`'s ``process_function``'s output into the
form expected by the metric. This can be useful if, for example, you have a multi-output model and
you want to compute the metric with respect to one of the outputs.
By default, metrics require the output as ``(y_pred, y)`` or ``{'y_pred': y_pred, 'y': y}``.
device: specifies which device updates are accumulated on. Setting the
metric's device to be the same as your ``update`` arguments ensures the ``update`` method is
non-blocking. By default, CPU.
For more information on how metric works with :class:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine`, visit :ref:`attach-engine`.
.. include:: defaults.rst
:start-after: :orphan:
.. testcode::
metric = FID(num_features=1, feature_extractor=default_model)
metric.attach(default_evaluator, "fid")
y_true = torch.ones(10, 4)
y_pred = torch.ones(10, 4)
state =[[y_pred, y_true]])
.. testoutput::
.. note::
The default `torchvision` model used is InceptionV3 pretrained on ImageNet.
This can lead to differences in results with `pytorch_fid`. To find comparable results,
the following model wrapper should be used:
.. code::
import torch.nn as nn
# wrapper class as feature_extractor
class WrapperInceptionV3(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, fid_incv3):
self.fid_incv3 = fid_incv3
def forward(self, x):
y = self.fid_incv3(x)
y = y[0]
y = y[:, :, 0, 0]
return y
# use cpu rather than cuda to get comparable results
device = "cpu"
# pytorch_fid model
dims = 2048
block_idx = InceptionV3.BLOCK_INDEX_BY_DIM[dims]
model = InceptionV3([block_idx]).to(device)
# wrapper model to pytorch_fid model
wrapper_model = WrapperInceptionV3(model)
# comparable metric
pytorch_fid_metric = FID(num_features=dims, feature_extractor=wrapper_model)
Important, `pytorch_fid` results depend on the batch size if the device is `cuda`.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.6
def __init__(
num_features: Optional[int] = None,
feature_extractor: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None,
output_transform: Callable = lambda x: x,
device: Union[str, torch.device] = torch.device("cpu"),
) -> None:
import numpy as np # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError("This module requires numpy to be installed.")
import scipy # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError("This module requires scipy to be installed.")
if num_features is None and feature_extractor is None:
num_features = 1000
feature_extractor = InceptionModel(return_features=False, device=device)
self._eps = 1e-6
super(FID, self).__init__(
def _online_update(features: torch.Tensor, total: torch.Tensor, sigma: torch.Tensor) -> None:
total += features
sigma += torch_outer(features, features)
def _get_covariance(self, sigma: torch.Tensor, total: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Calculates covariance from mean and sum of products of variables
sub_matrix = torch_outer(total, total)
sub_matrix = sub_matrix / self._num_examples
return (sigma - sub_matrix) / (self._num_examples - 1)
[docs] @reinit__is_reduced
def reset(self) -> None:
self._train_sigma = torch.zeros(
(self._num_features, self._num_features), dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._train_total = torch.zeros(self._num_features, dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device)
self._test_sigma = torch.zeros(
(self._num_features, self._num_features), dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._test_total = torch.zeros(self._num_features, dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device)
self._num_examples: int = 0
super(FID, self).reset()
[docs] @reinit__is_reduced
def update(self, output: Sequence[torch.Tensor]) -> None:
train, test = output
train_features = self._extract_features(train)
test_features = self._extract_features(test)
if train_features.shape[0] != test_features.shape[0] or train_features.shape[1] != test_features.shape[1]:
raise ValueError(
Number of Training Features and Testing Features should be equal ({train_features.shape} != {test_features.shape})
# Updates the mean and covariance for the train features
for features in train_features:
self._online_update(features, self._train_total, self._train_sigma)
# Updates the mean and covariance for the test features
for features in test_features:
self._online_update(features, self._test_total, self._test_sigma)
self._num_examples += train_features.shape[0]
[docs] @sync_all_reduce("_num_examples", "_train_total", "_test_total", "_train_sigma", "_test_sigma")
def compute(self) -> float:
fid = fid_score(
mu1=self._train_total / self._num_examples,
mu2=self._test_total / self._num_examples,
sigma1=self._get_covariance(self._train_sigma, self._train_total),
sigma2=self._get_covariance(self._test_sigma, self._test_total),
if torch.isnan(torch.tensor(fid)) or torch.isinf(torch.tensor(fid)):
warnings.warn("The product of covariance of train and test features is out of bounds.")
return fid