
Source code for ignite.contrib.handlers.tqdm_logger

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings
from typing import Any, Mapping

import torch

from ignite.contrib.handlers.base_logger import BaseLogger, BaseOutputHandler
from ignite.engine import Engine, Events
from import CallableEventWithFilter

class _OutputHandler(BaseOutputHandler):
    """Helper handler to log engine's output and/or metrics

        description (str): progress bar description.
        metric_names (list of str, optional): list of metric names to plot or a string "all" to plot all available
        output_transform (callable, optional): output transform function to prepare `engine.state.output` as a number.
            For example, `output_transform = lambda output: output`
            This function can also return a dictionary, e.g `{'loss': loss1, 'another_loss': loss2}` to label the plot
            with corresponding keys.
        closing_event_name: event's name on which the progress bar is closed. Valid events are from
            :class:`` or any `event_name` added by


    def __init__(
        self, description, metric_names=None, output_transform=None, closing_event_name=Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED
        if metric_names is None and output_transform is None:
            # This helps to avoid 'Either metric_names or output_transform should be defined' of BaseOutputHandler
            metric_names = []
        super(_OutputHandler, self).__init__(description, metric_names, output_transform, global_step_transform=None)
        self.closing_event_name = closing_event_name

    def get_max_number_events(event_name, engine):
        if event_name in (Events.ITERATION_STARTED, Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED):
            return engine.state.epoch_length
        if event_name in (Events.EPOCH_STARTED, Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED):
            return engine.state.max_epochs
        return 1

    def __call__(self, engine, logger, event_name):

        pbar_total = self.get_max_number_events(event_name, engine)
        if logger.pbar is None:

        desc = self.tag
        max_num_of_closing_events = self.get_max_number_events(self.closing_event_name, engine)
        if max_num_of_closing_events > 1:
            global_step = engine.state.get_event_attrib_value(self.closing_event_name)
            desc += " [{}/{}]".format(global_step, max_num_of_closing_events)

        metrics = self._setup_output_metrics(engine)

        rendered_metrics = {}
        for key, value in metrics.items():
            if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor):
                if value.ndimension() == 0:
                    rendered_metrics[key] = value.item()
                elif value.ndimension() == 1:
                    for i, v in enumerate(value):
                        k = "{}_{}".format(key, i)
                        rendered_metrics[k] = v.item()
                    warnings.warn("ProgressBar can not log " "tensor with {} dimensions".format(value.ndimension()))
                rendered_metrics[key] = value

        if rendered_metrics:

        global_step = engine.state.get_event_attrib_value(event_name)
        if pbar_total is not None:
            global_step = (global_step - 1) % pbar_total + 1
        logger.pbar.update(global_step - logger.pbar.n)

[docs]class ProgressBar(BaseLogger): """ TQDM progress bar handler to log training progress and computed metrics. Args: persist (bool, optional): set to ``True`` to persist the progress bar after completion (default = ``False``) bar_format (str, optional): Specify a custom bar string formatting. May impact performance. [default: '{desc}[{n_fmt}/{total_fmt}] {percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}{postfix} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]']. Set to ``None`` to use ``tqdm`` default bar formatting: '{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}', where l_bar='{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}%|' and r_bar='| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]'. For more details on the formatting, see `tqdm docs <>`_. **tqdm_kwargs: kwargs passed to tqdm progress bar. By default, progress bar description displays "Epoch [5/10]" where 5 is the current epoch and 10 is the number of epochs. If tqdm_kwargs defines `desc`, e.g. "Predictions", than the description is "Predictions [5/10]" if number of epochs is more than one otherwise it is simply "Predictions". Examples: Simple progress bar .. code-block:: python trainer = create_supervised_trainer(model, optimizer, loss) pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.attach(trainer) # Progress bar will looks like # Epoch [2/50]: [64/128] 50%|█████ [06:17<12:34] Log output to a file instead of stderr (tqdm's default output) .. code-block:: python trainer = create_supervised_trainer(model, optimizer, loss) log_file = open("output.log", "w") pbar = ProgressBar(file=log_file) pbar.attach(trainer) Attach metrics that already have been computed at :attr:`` (such as :class:`~ignite.metrics.RunningAverage`) .. code-block:: python trainer = create_supervised_trainer(model, optimizer, loss) RunningAverage(output_transform=lambda x: x).attach(trainer, 'loss') pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.attach(trainer, ['loss']) # Progress bar will looks like # Epoch [2/50]: [64/128] 50%|█████ , loss=0.123 [06:17<12:34] Directly attach the engine's output .. code-block:: python trainer = create_supervised_trainer(model, optimizer, loss) pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.attach(trainer, output_transform=lambda x: {'loss': x}) # Progress bar will looks like # Epoch [2/50]: [64/128] 50%|█████ , loss=0.123 [06:17<12:34] Note: When adding attaching the progress bar to an engine, it is recommend that you replace every print operation in the engine's handlers triggered every iteration with ``pbar.log_message`` to guarantee the correct format of the stdout. Note: When using inside jupyter notebook, `ProgressBar` automatically uses `tqdm_notebook`. For correct rendering, please install `ipywidgets <>`_. Due to `tqdm notebook bugs <>`_, bar format may be needed to be set to an empty string value. """ _events_order = [ Events.STARTED, Events.EPOCH_STARTED, Events.ITERATION_STARTED, Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED, Events.COMPLETED, ] def __init__( self, persist=False, bar_format="{desc}[{n_fmt}/{total_fmt}] {percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}{postfix} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]", **tqdm_kwargs ): try: from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "This contrib module requires tqdm to be installed. " "Please install it with command: \n pip install tqdm" ) self.pbar_cls = tqdm self.pbar = None self.persist = persist self.bar_format = bar_format self.tqdm_kwargs = tqdm_kwargs def _reset(self, pbar_total): self.pbar = self.pbar_cls( total=pbar_total, leave=self.persist, bar_format=self.bar_format, initial=1, **self.tqdm_kwargs ) def _close(self, engine): if self.pbar is not None: # # issue #1115 : notebook backend of tqdm checks if n < total (error or KeyboardInterrupt) # and the bar persists in 'danger' mode if is not None: self.pbar.n = self.pbar.close() self.pbar = None @staticmethod def _compare_lt(event1, event2): i1 = ProgressBar._events_order.index(event1) i2 = ProgressBar._events_order.index(event2) return i1 < i2
[docs] def log_message(self, message): """ Logs a message, preserving the progress bar correct output format. Args: message (str): string you wish to log. """ from tqdm import tqdm tqdm.write(message, file=self.tqdm_kwargs.get("file", None))
[docs] def attach( self, engine, metric_names=None, output_transform=None, event_name=Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, closing_event_name=Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED, ): """ Attaches the progress bar to an engine object. Args: engine (Engine): engine object. metric_names (list of str, optional): list of metric names to plot or a string "all" to plot all available metrics. output_transform (callable, optional): a function to select what you want to print from the engine's output. This function may return either a dictionary with entries in the format of ``{name: value}``, or a single scalar, which will be displayed with the default name `output`. event_name: event's name on which the progress bar advances. Valid events are from :class:``. closing_event_name: event's name on which the progress bar is closed. Valid events are from :class:``. Note: accepted output value types are numbers, 0d and 1d torch tensors and strings """ desc = self.tqdm_kwargs.get("desc", "Epoch") if event_name not in engine._allowed_events: raise ValueError("Logging event {} is not in allowed events for this engine".format( if isinstance(closing_event_name, CallableEventWithFilter): if closing_event_name.filter != CallableEventWithFilter.default_event_filter: raise ValueError("Closing Event should not be a filtered event") if not self._compare_lt(event_name, closing_event_name): raise ValueError( "Logging event {} should be called before closing event {}".format(event_name, closing_event_name) ) log_handler = _OutputHandler(desc, metric_names, output_transform, closing_event_name=closing_event_name) super(ProgressBar, self).attach(engine, log_handler, event_name) engine.add_event_handler(closing_event_name, self._close)
[docs] def attach_opt_params_handler(self, engine: Engine, event_name: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Mapping): """Intentionally empty""" pass
def _create_output_handler(self, *args, **kwargs): return _OutputHandler(*args, **kwargs) def _create_opt_params_handler(self, *args, **kwargs): """Intentionally empty""" pass

© Copyright 2025, PyTorch-Ignite Contributors. Last updated on 01/04/2025, 10:24:02 AM.

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