FAQ === In this section we grouped answers on frequently asked questions and some best practices of using `ignite`. Each engine has its own Events ------------------------------ It is important to understand that engines have their own events. For example, we defined a trainer and an evaluator: .. code-block:: python @trainer.on(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED) def in_training_loop_on_epoch_completed(engine): evaluator.run(val_loader) # this starts another loop on validation dataset to compute metrics @evaluator.on(Events.COMPLETED) def when_validation_loop_is_done(engine): # do something with computed metrics etc # -> early stopping or reduce LR on plateau # or just log them Trainer engine has its own loop and runs multiple times over the training dataset. When a training epoch is over we launch evaluator engine and run a single time of over the validation dataset. **Evaluator has its own loop**. Therefore, it runs only one epoch and `Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED` is equivalent to `Events.COMPLETED`. As a consequence, the following code is correct too: .. code-block:: python handler = EarlyStopping(patience=10, score_function=score_function, trainer=trainer) evaluator.add_event_handler(Events.COMPLETED, handler) best_model_saver = ModelCheckpoint('/tmp/models', 'best', score_function=score_function) evaluator.add_event_handler(Events.COMPLETED, best_model_saver, {'mymodel': model}) More details :ref:`Events and Handlers`. Creating Custom Events based on Forward/Backward Pass ----------------------------------------------------- There are cases where the user might want to add events based on the loss calculation and backward pass. Ignite provides flexibility to the user to allow for this: .. code-block:: python class BackpropEvents(EventEnum): """ Events based on back propagation """ BACKWARD_STARTED = 'backward_started' BACKWARD_COMPLETED = 'backward_completed' OPTIM_STEP_COMPLETED = 'optim_step_completed' def update(engine, batch): model.train() opitmizer.zero_grad() x, y = process_batch(batch) y_pred = model(x) loss = loss_fn(y_pred, y) engine.fire_event(BackpropEvents.BACKWARD_STARTED) loss.backward() engine.fire_event(BackpropEvents.BACKWARD_COMPLETED) optimizer.step() engine.fire_event(BackpropEvents.OPTIM_STEP_COMPLETED) return loss.item() trainer = Engine(update) trainer.register_events(*BackpropEvents) @trainer.on(BackpropEvents.BACKWARD_STARTED) def function_before_backprop(engine): # insert custom function here More detailed implementation can be found in `TBPTT Trainer <_modules/ignite/contrib/engines/tbptt.html#create_supervised_tbptt_trainer>`_. Gradients accumulation ---------------------- A best practice to use if we need to increase effectively the batch size on limited GPU resources. There several ways to do this, the most simple is the following: .. code-block:: python accumulation_steps = 4 def update_fn(engine, batch): model.train() x, y = prepare_batch(batch, device=device, non_blocking=non_blocking) y_pred = model(x) loss = criterion(y_pred, y) / accumulation_steps loss.backward() if engine.state.iteration % accumulation_steps == 0: optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() return loss.item() trainer = Engine(update_fn) Based on `this blog article `_ and `this code `_. Working with iterators ---------------------- If data provider for training or validation is an iterator (infinite or finite with known or unknown size), here are basic examples of how to setup trainer or evaluator. Infinite iterator for training `````````````````````````````` Let's use an infinite data iterator as training dataflow .. code-block:: python import torch from ignite.engine import Engine, Events torch.manual_seed(12) def infinite_iterator(batch_size): while True: batch = torch.rand(batch_size, 3, 32, 32) yield batch def train_step(trainer, batch): # ... s = trainer.state print( "{}/{} : {} - {:.3f}".format(s.epoch, s.max_epochs, s.iteration, batch.norm()) ) trainer = Engine(train_step) # We need to specify epoch_length to define the epoch trainer.run(infinite_iterator(4), epoch_length=5, max_epochs=3) In this case we will obtain the following output: .. code-block:: text 1/3 : 1 - 63.862 1/3 : 2 - 64.042 1/3 : 3 - 63.936 1/3 : 4 - 64.141 1/3 : 5 - 64.767 2/3 : 6 - 63.791 2/3 : 7 - 64.565 2/3 : 8 - 63.602 2/3 : 9 - 63.995 2/3 : 10 - 63.943 3/3 : 11 - 63.831 3/3 : 12 - 64.276 3/3 : 13 - 64.148 3/3 : 14 - 63.920 3/3 : 15 - 64.226 If we do not specify `epoch_length`, we can stop the training explicitly by calling :meth:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine.terminate` In this case, there will be only a single epoch defined. .. code-block:: python import torch from ignite.engine import Engine, Events torch.manual_seed(12) def infinite_iterator(batch_size): while True: batch = torch.rand(batch_size, 3, 32, 32) yield batch def train_step(trainer, batch): # ... s = trainer.state print( "{}/{} : {} - {:.3f}".format(s.epoch, s.max_epochs, s.iteration, batch.norm()) ) trainer = Engine(train_step) @trainer.on(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED(once=15)) def stop_training(): trainer.terminate() trainer.run(infinite_iterator(4)) We obtain the following output: .. code-block:: text 1/1 : 1 - 63.862 1/1 : 2 - 64.042 1/1 : 3 - 63.936 1/1 : 4 - 64.141 1/1 : 5 - 64.767 1/1 : 6 - 63.791 1/1 : 7 - 64.565 1/1 : 8 - 63.602 1/1 : 9 - 63.995 1/1 : 10 - 63.943 1/1 : 11 - 63.831 1/1 : 12 - 64.276 1/1 : 13 - 64.148 1/1 : 14 - 63.920 1/1 : 15 - 64.226 Same code can be used for validating models. Finite iterator with unknown length ``````````````````````````````````` Let's use a finite data iterator but with unknown length (for user). In case of training, we would like to perform several passes over the dataflow and thus we need to restart the data iterator when it is exhausted. In the code, we do not specify `epoch_length` which will be automatically determined. .. code-block:: python import torch from ignite.engine import Engine, Events torch.manual_seed(12) def finite_unk_size_data_iter(): for i in range(11): yield i def train_step(trainer, batch): # ... s = trainer.state print( "{}/{} : {} - {:.3f}".format(s.epoch, s.max_epochs, s.iteration, batch) ) trainer = Engine(train_step) @trainer.on(Events.DATALOADER_STOP_ITERATION) def restart_iter(): trainer.state.dataloader = finite_unk_size_data_iter() data_iter = finite_unk_size_data_iter() trainer.run(data_iter, max_epochs=5) In case of validation, the code is simply .. code-block:: python import torch from ignite.engine import Engine, Events torch.manual_seed(12) def finite_unk_size_data_iter(): for i in range(11): yield i def val_step(evaluator, batch): # ... s = evaluator.state print( "{}/{} : {} - {:.3f}".format(s.epoch, s.max_epochs, s.iteration, batch) ) evaluator = Engine(val_step) data_iter = finite_unk_size_data_iter() evaluator.run(data_iter) Finite iterator with known length ````````````````````````````````` Let's use a finite data iterator with known size for training or validation. If we need to restart the data iterator, we can do this either as in case of unknown size by attaching the restart handler on `@trainer.on(Events.DATALOADER_STOP_ITERATION)`, but here we will do this explicitly on iteration: .. code-block:: python import torch from ignite.engine import Engine, Events torch.manual_seed(12) size = 11 def finite_size_data_iter(size): for i in range(size): yield i def train_step(trainer, batch): # ... s = trainer.state print( "{}/{} : {} - {:.3f}".format(s.epoch, s.max_epochs, s.iteration, batch) ) trainer = Engine(train_step) @trainer.on(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED(every=size)) def restart_iter(): trainer.state.dataloader = finite_size_data_iter(size) data_iter = finite_size_data_iter(size) trainer.run(data_iter, max_epochs=5) In case of validation, the code is simply .. code-block:: python import torch from ignite.engine import Engine, Events torch.manual_seed(12) size = 11 def finite_size_data_iter(size): for i in range(size): yield i def val_step(evaluator, batch): # ... s = evaluator.state print( "{}/{} : {} - {:.3f}".format(s.epoch, s.max_epochs, s.iteration, batch) ) evaluator = Engine(val_step) data_iter = finite_size_data_iter(size) evaluator.run(data_iter) Switching data provider during the training ------------------------------------------- User can easily switch data provider during the training using :meth:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine.set_data`. See an example in the documentation of the method. Time profiling during training ------------------------------ User can fetch times in several manners depending on complexity of required time profiling: Single epoch and total time ``````````````````````````` Simpliest way to fetch time of single epoch and complete training is to use ``engine.state.times["EPOCH_COMPLETED"]`` and ``engine.state.times["COMPLETED"]``: .. code-block:: python trainer = ... @trainer.on(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED) def log_epoch_time(): print("{}: {}".format(trainer.state.epoch, trainer.state.times["EPOCH_COMPLETED"])) @trainer.on(Events.COMPLETED) def log_total_time(): print("Total: {}".format(trainer.state.times["COMPLETED"])) For details, see :class:`~ignite.engine.events.State`. Detailed profiling `````````````````` User can setup :class:`~ignite.contrib.handlers.time_profilers.BasicTimeProfiler` to fetch times spent in data processing, training step, event handlers: .. code-block:: python from ignite.contrib.handlers import BasicTimeProfiler trainer = ... # Create an object of the profiler and attach an engine to it profiler = BasicTimeProfiler() profiler.attach(trainer) @trainer.on(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED(every=10)) def log_intermediate_results(): profiler.print_results(profiler.get_results()) trainer.run(dataloader, max_epochs=3) Typical output: .. code-block:: text ---------------------------------------------------- | Time profiling stats (in seconds): | ---------------------------------------------------- total | min/index | max/index | mean | std Processing function: 157.46292 | 0.01452/1501 | 0.26905/0 | 0.07730 | 0.01258 Dataflow: 6.11384 | 0.00008/1935 | 0.28461/1551 | 0.00300 | 0.02693 Event handlers: 2.82721 - Events.STARTED: [] 0.00000 - Events.EPOCH_STARTED: [] 0.00006 | 0.00000/0 | 0.00000/17 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 - Events.ITERATION_STARTED: ['PiecewiseLinear'] 0.03482 | 0.00001/188 | 0.00018/679 | 0.00002 | 0.00001 - Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED: ['TerminateOnNan'] 0.20037 | 0.00006/866 | 0.00089/1943 | 0.00010 | 0.00003 - Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED: ['empty_cuda_cache', 'training..log_elapsed_time', ] 2.57860 | 0.11529/0 | 0.14977/13 | 0.12893 | 0.00790 - Events.COMPLETED: [] not yet triggered For details, see :class:`~ignite.contrib.handlers.time_profilers.BasicTimeProfiler`. Custom time measures ```````````````````` Custom time measures can be performed using :class:`~ignite.handlers.Timer`. See its docstring for details. Other questions --------------- Other answers can be found on the github among the issues labeled by `question `_.