Patching Batch Norm =================== What's happening? ----------------- Batch Norm requires in-place updates to running_mean and running_var of the same size as the input. Functorch does not support inplace update to a regular tensor that takes in a batched tensor (i.e. ``regular.add_(batched)`` is not allowed). So when vmaping over a batch of inputs to a single module, we end up with this error How to fix ---------- All of these options assume that you don't need running stats. If you're using a module this means that it's assumed you won't use batch norm in evaluation mode. If you have a use case that involves running batch norm with vmap in evaluation mode, please file an issue Option 1: Change the BatchNorm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you've built the module yourself, you can change the module to not use running stats. In other words, anywhere that there's a BatchNorm module, set the ``track_running_stats`` flag to be False .. code-block:: python BatchNorm2d(64, track_running_stats=False) Option 2: torchvision parameter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some torchvision models, like resnet and regnet, can take in a ``norm_layer`` parameter. These are often defaulted to be BatchNorm2d if they've been defaulted. Instead you can set it to BatchNorm that doesn't use running stats .. code-block:: python import torchvision from functools import partial torchvision.models.resnet18(norm_layer=partial(BatchNorm2d, track_running_stats=False)) Option 3: functorch's patching ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ functorch has added some functionality to allow for quick, in-place patching of the module. If you have a net that you want to change, you can run ``replace_all_batch_norm_modules_`` to update the module in-place to not use running stats .. code-block:: python from functorch.experimental import replace_all_batch_norm_modules_ replace_all_batch_norm_modules_(net)