
Source code for functorch._src.eager_transforms

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Any, Callable, Union, Tuple, List
import torch
from functools import partial, wraps
import contextlib
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_flatten, tree_unflatten, tree_map
from .pytree_hacks import tree_map_, treespec_pprint
import torch.autograd.forward_ad as fwAD

from .vmap import vmap

from functorch._C import (

argnums_t = Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]

def _create_differentiable(inps, level=None):
    def create_differentiable(x):
        if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            return x.requires_grad_()
        raise ValueError(f'Thing passed to transform API must be Tensor, '
                         f'got {type(x)}')
    return tree_map(create_differentiable, inps)

def _undo_create_differentiable(inps, level=None):
    def unwrap_tensors(x):
        if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
            return _unwrap_for_grad(x, level)
        # TODO: Remove the following hack for namedtuples
        if isinstance(x, tuple):
            return tree_map(unwrap_tensors, tuple(x))

        raise RuntimeError(f"Expected tensors, got unsupported type {type(x)}")

    return tree_map(unwrap_tensors, inps)

def _is_differentiable(maybe_tensor):
    if not isinstance(maybe_tensor, torch.Tensor):
        return False
    return maybe_tensor.requires_grad

def _any_differentiable(tensor_or_tuple_of_tensors):
    flat_args, _ = tree_unflatten(tensor_or_tuple_of_tensors)
    return any(tuple(map(_is_differentiable, flat_args)))

def _wrap_tensor_for_grad(maybe_tensor, level):
    if not isinstance(maybe_tensor, torch.Tensor):
        return maybe_tensor
    return _wrap_for_grad(maybe_tensor, level)

def _wrap_all_tensors(tensor_pytree, level):
    return tree_map(partial(_wrap_tensor_for_grad, level=level), tensor_pytree)

def _as_tuple(val):
    if isinstance(val, tuple):
        return val
    return (val,)

# Version of autograd.grad that handles outputs that don't depend on inputs

def _autograd_grad(outputs, inputs, grad_outputs=None, retain_graph=False, create_graph=True):
    if grad_outputs is None:
        diff_outputs = tuple(out for out in outputs if out.requires_grad)
        result = tuple((out, go) for out, go in zip(outputs, grad_outputs) if out.requires_grad)
        if len(result) == 0:
            diff_outputs, grad_outputs = (), ()
            diff_outputs, grad_outputs = zip(*result)
    if len(diff_outputs) == 0:
        return tuple(torch.zeros_like(inp) for inp in inputs)
    grad_inputs = torch.autograd.grad(diff_outputs, inputs, grad_outputs,
    grad_inputs = tuple(torch.zeros_like(inp) if gi is None else gi
                        for gi, inp in zip(grad_inputs, inputs))
    return grad_inputs

# NOTE [grad and vjp interaction with no_grad]
# def f(x):
#   with torch.no_grad():
#     c = x ** 2
#   return x - c
# The thing to consider is if enable_grad is on/off before grad gets called.
# Case 1: enable_grad is on.
# grad(f)(x)
# In this case, `grad` should respect the inner torch.no_grad.
# Case 2: enable_grad is off
# with torch.no_grad():
#   grad(f)(x)
# In this case, `grad` should respect the inner torch.no_grad, but not the
# outer one. This is because `grad` is a "function transform": its result
# should not depend on the result of a context manager outside of `f`.
# This gives us the following desired behavior:
# - (nested) grad transforms must obey torch.no_grad inside them
# - (nested) grad transforms should not obey torch.no_grad outside them
# To achieve this behavior, upon entering grad/vjp:
# - we save the current ("previous") is_grad_enabled (*)
# - we unconditionally enable grad.
# Inside DynamicLayerBackFallback, when we're temporarily popping `grad` layer
# off the stack:
# - if grad_mode is disabled, then we do nothing. (there is a torch.no_grad
#   active, all subsequent grad transforms must obey it).
# - if grad_mode is enabled, and the previous is_grad_enabled (*) is False,
#   then we temporarily restore the previous `is_grad_enabled`. This is
#   because we're crossing the boundary from a `grad` outside the
#   no_grad to a `grad` inside the no_grad.
# NB: vjp has some interesting behavior because the vjp's callable can be called
# under a different grad_mode than the forward computation...
# NB: forward-mode AD: forward-mode AD doesn't respect torch.no_grad, but
# it respects c10::AutoFwGradMode. We've implemented the same logic for
# our jvp transform (it will have special handling if FwGradMode is disabled).

# How do we increment and decrement the nesting? I don't think we can.
[docs]def vjp(func: Callable, *primals, has_aux: bool = False): """ Standing for the vector-Jacobian product, returns a tuple containing the results of :attr:`func` applied to :attr:`primals` and a function that, when given ``cotangents``, computes the reverse-mode Jacobian of :attr:`func` with respect to :attr:`primals` times ``cotangents``. Args: func (Callable): A Python function that takes one or more arguments. Must return one or more Tensors. primals (Tensors): Positional arguments to :attr:`func` that must all be Tensors. The returned function will also be computing the derivative with respect to these arguments has_aux (bool): Flag indicating that :attr:`func` returns a ``(output, aux)`` tuple where the first element is the output of the function to be differentiated and the second element is other auxiliary objects that will not be differentiated. Default: False. Returns: Returns a ``(output, vjp_fn)`` tuple containing the output of :attr:`func` applied to :attr:`primals` and a function that computes the vjp of :attr:`func` with respect to all :attr:`primals` using the cotangents passed to the returned function. If ``has_aux is True``, then instead returns a ``(output, vjp_fn, aux)`` tuple. The returned ``vjp_fn`` function will return a tuple of each VJP. When used in simple cases, :func:`vjp` behaves the same as :func:`grad` >>> x = torch.randn([5]) >>> f = lambda x: x.sin().sum() >>> (_, vjpfunc) = functorch.vjp(f, x) >>> grad = vjpfunc(torch.tensor(1.))[0] >>> assert torch.allclose(grad, functorch.grad(f)(x)) However, :func:`vjp` can support functions with multiple outputs by passing in the cotangents for each of the outputs >>> x = torch.randn([5]) >>> f = lambda x: (x.sin(), x.cos()) >>> (_, vjpfunc) = functorch.vjp(f, x) >>> vjps = vjpfunc((torch.ones([5]), torch.ones([5]))) >>> assert torch.allclose(vjps[0], x.cos() + -x.sin()) :func:`vjp` can even support outputs being Python structs >>> x = torch.randn([5]) >>> f = lambda x: {'first': x.sin(), 'second': x.cos()} >>> (_, vjpfunc) = functorch.vjp(f, x) >>> cotangents = {'first': torch.ones([5]), 'second': torch.ones([5])} >>> vjps = vjpfunc(cotangents) >>> assert torch.allclose(vjps[0], x.cos() + -x.sin()) The function returned by :func:`vjp` will compute the partials with respect to each of the :attr:`primals` >>> x, y = torch.randn([5, 4]), torch.randn([4, 5]) >>> (_, vjpfunc) = functorch.vjp(torch.matmul, x, y) >>> cotangents = torch.randn([5, 5]) >>> vjps = vjpfunc(cotangents) >>> assert len(vjps) == 2 >>> assert torch.allclose(vjps[0], torch.matmul(cotangents, y.transpose(0, 1))) >>> assert torch.allclose(vjps[1], torch.matmul(x.transpose(0, 1), cotangents)) :attr:`primals` are the positional arguments for :attr:`f`. All kwargs use their default value >>> x = torch.randn([5]) >>> def f(x, scale=4.): >>> return x * 4. >>> >>> (_, vjpfunc) = functorch.vjp(f, x) >>> vjps = vjpfunc(torch.ones_like(x)) >>> assert torch.allclose(vjps[0], torch.full(x.shape, 4.)) .. note:: Using PyTorch ``torch.no_grad`` together with ``vjp``. Case 1: Using ``torch.no_grad`` inside a function: >>> def f(x): >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> c = x ** 2 >>> return x - c In this case, ``vjp(f)(x)`` will respect the inner ``torch.no_grad``. Case 2: Using ``vjp`` inside ``torch.no_grad`` context manager: >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> vjp(f)(x) In this case, ``vjp`` will respect the inner ``torch.no_grad``, but not the outer one. This is because ``vjp`` is a "function transform": its result should not depend on the result of a context manager outside of ``f``. """ level = _grad_increment_nesting() try: # See NOTE [grad and vjp interaction with no_grad] with torch.enable_grad(): primals = _wrap_all_tensors(primals, level) diff_primals = _create_differentiable(primals, level) primals_out = func(*diff_primals) if has_aux: if not (isinstance(primals_out, tuple) and len(primals_out) == 2): raise RuntimeError( "vjp(f, *primals): output of function f should be a tuple: (output, aux) " "if has_aux is True" ) primals_out, aux = primals_out aux = _undo_create_differentiable(aux, level) flat_primals_out, primals_out_spec = tree_flatten(primals_out) assert_non_empty_tensor_output(flat_primals_out, 'vjp(f, *primals)') flat_diff_primals, primals_spec = tree_flatten(diff_primals) results = _undo_create_differentiable(primals_out, level) for primal_out in flat_primals_out: assert isinstance(primal_out, torch.Tensor) if primal_out.is_floating_point() or primal_out.is_complex(): continue raise RuntimeError("vjp(f, ...): All outputs of f must be " "floating-point or complex Tensors, got Tensor " f"with dtype {primal_out.dtype}") def wrapper(cotangents, retain_graph=True, create_graph=None): if create_graph is None: create_graph = torch.is_grad_enabled() flat_cotangents, cotangents_spec = tree_flatten(cotangents) if primals_out_spec != cotangents_spec: raise RuntimeError( f'Expected pytree structure of cotangents to be the same ' f'as pytree structure of outputs to the function. ' f'cotangents: {treespec_pprint(cotangents_spec)}, ' f'primal output: {treespec_pprint(primals_out_spec)}') result = _autograd_grad(flat_primals_out, flat_diff_primals, flat_cotangents, retain_graph=retain_graph, create_graph=create_graph) return tree_unflatten(result, primals_spec) finally: _grad_decrement_nesting() if has_aux: return results, wrapper, aux else: return results, wrapper
def _safe_zero_index(x): assert len(x) == 1 return x[0]
[docs]def jacrev(func: Callable, argnums: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 0, *, has_aux=False): """ Computes the Jacobian of :attr:`func` with respect to the arg(s) at index :attr:`argnum` using reverse mode autodiff Args: func (function): A Python function that takes one or more arguments, one of which must be a Tensor, and returns one or more Tensors argnums (int or Tuple[int]): Optional, integer or tuple of integers, saying which arguments to get the Jacobian with respect to. Default: 0. has_aux (bool): Flag indicating that :attr:`func` returns a ``(output, aux)`` tuple where the first element is the output of the function to be differentiated and the second element is auxiliary objects that will not be differentiated. Default: False. Returns: Returns a function that takes in the same inputs as :attr:`func` and returns the Jacobian of :attr:`func` with respect to the arg(s) at :attr:`argnums`. If ``has_aux is True``, then the returned function instead returns a ``(jacobian, aux)`` tuple where ``jacobian`` is the Jacobian and ``aux`` is auxiliary objects returned by :attr:`func`. A basic usage with a pointwise, unary operation will give a diagonal array as the Jacobian >>> from functorch import jacrev >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> jacobian = jacrev(torch.sin)(x) >>> expected = torch.diag(torch.cos(x)) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian, expected) If you would like to compute the output of the function as well as the jacobian of the function, use the ``has_aux`` flag to return the output as an auxiliary object: >>> from functorch import jacrev >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> >>> def f(x): >>> return x.sin() >>> >>> def g(x): >>> result = f(x) >>> return result, result >>> >>> jacobian_f, f_x = jacrev(g, has_aux=True)(x) >>> assert torch.allclose(f_x, f(x)) :func:`jacrev` can be composed with vmap to produce batched Jacobians: >>> from functorch import jacrev, vmap >>> x = torch.randn(64, 5) >>> jacobian = vmap(jacrev(torch.sin))(x) >>> assert jacobian.shape == (64, 5, 5) Additionally, :func:`jacrev` can be composed with itself to produce Hessians >>> from functorch import jacrev >>> def f(x): >>> return x.sin().sum() >>> >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> hessian = jacrev(jacrev(f))(x) >>> assert torch.allclose(hessian, torch.diag(-x.sin())) By default, :func:`jacrev` computes the Jacobian with respect to the first input. However, it can compute the Jacboian with respect to a different argument by using :attr:`argnums`: >>> from functorch import jacrev >>> def f(x, y): >>> return x + y ** 2 >>> >>> x, y = torch.randn(5), torch.randn(5) >>> jacobian = jacrev(f, argnums=1)(x, y) >>> expected = torch.diag(2 * y) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian, expected) Additionally, passing a tuple to :attr:`argnums` will compute the Jacobian with respect to multiple arguments >>> from functorch import jacrev >>> def f(x, y): >>> return x + y ** 2 >>> >>> x, y = torch.randn(5), torch.randn(5) >>> jacobian = jacrev(f, argnums=(0, 1))(x, y) >>> expectedX = torch.diag(torch.ones_like(x)) >>> expectedY = torch.diag(2 * y) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian[0], expectedX) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian[1], expectedY) .. note:: Using PyTorch ``torch.no_grad`` together with ``jacrev``. Case 1: Using ``torch.no_grad`` inside a function: >>> def f(x): >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> c = x ** 2 >>> return x - c In this case, ``jacrev(f)(x)`` will respect the inner ``torch.no_grad``. Case 2: Using ``jacrev`` inside ``torch.no_grad`` context manager: >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> jacrev(f)(x) In this case, ``jacrev`` will respect the inner ``torch.no_grad``, but not the outer one. This is because ``jacrev`` is a "function transform": its result should not depend on the result of a context manager outside of ``f``. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper_fn(*args): f_wrapper, primals = _argnums_partial(func, args, argnums) vjp_out = vjp(f_wrapper, *primals, has_aux=has_aux) if has_aux: output, vjp_fn, aux = vjp_out else: output, vjp_fn = vjp_out # See NOTE: [Computing jacobian with vmap and vjp for multiple outputs] flat_output, output_spec = tree_flatten(output) # NB: vjp already checks that all outputs are tensors # Step 1: Construct grad_outputs by splitting the standard basis flat_output_numels = tuple(out.numel() for out in flat_output) flat_basis = _construct_standard_basis_for(flat_output, flat_output_numels) basis = tree_unflatten(flat_basis, output_spec) results = vmap(vjp_fn)(basis) flat_primals, primals_spec = tree_flatten(primals) flat_results, results_spec = tree_flatten(results) # Step 2: The returned jacobian is one big tensor per input. In this step, # we split each Tensor by output. flat_results = [result.split(flat_output_numels, dim=0) for result in flat_results] flat_input_flat_output = [ tuple(split.view(out.shape + primal.shape) for split, out in zip(splits, flat_output)) for splits, primal in zip(flat_results, flat_primals) ] # Step 3: Right now, `jacobian` is a List[List[Tensor]]. # The outer List corresponds to the number of primals, # the inner List corresponds to the number of outputs. # We need to: # a. Exchange the order of the outer List and inner List # b. tree_unflatten the inner Lists (which correspond to the primals) # c. handle the argnums=int case # d. tree_unflatten the outer List (which corresponds to the outputs) flat_output_flat_input = tuple(zip(*flat_input_flat_output)) flat_output_input = tuple(tree_unflatten(flat_input, primals_spec) for flat_input in flat_output_flat_input) if isinstance(argnums, int): flat_output_input = tuple(_safe_zero_index(flat_input) for flat_input in flat_output_input) output_input = tree_unflatten(flat_output_input, output_spec) if has_aux: return output_input, aux return output_input return wrapper_fn
# NOTE: [Computing jacobian with vmap and vjp for multiple outputs] # # Let's consider f(x) = (x**2, x.sum()) and let x = torch.randn(3). # It turns out we can compute the jacobian of this function with a single # call to autograd.grad by using vmap over the correct grad_outputs. # # Firstly, one way to compute the jacobian is to stack x**2 and x.sum() # into a 4D vector. E.g., use g(x) = torch.stack([x**2, x.sum()]) # # To get the first row of the jacobian, we call # >>> autograd.grad(g(x), x, grad_outputs=torch.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0])) # To get the 2nd row of the jacobian, we call # >>> autograd.grad(g(x), x, grad_outputs=torch.tensor([0, 1, 0, 0])) # and so on. # # Using vmap, we can vectorize all 4 of these computations into one by # passing the standard basis for R^4 as the grad_output. # vmap(partial(autograd.grad, g(x), x))(torch.eye(4)). # # Now, how do we compute the jacobian *without stacking the output*? # We can just split the standard basis across the outputs. So to # compute the jacobian of f(x), we'd use # >>> autograd.grad(f(x), x, grad_outputs=_construct_standard_basis_for(...)) # The grad_outputs looks like the following: # ( torch.tensor([[1, 0, 0], # [0, 1, 0], # [0, 0, 1], # [0, 0, 0]]), # torch.tensor([[0], # [0], # [0], # [1]]) ) # # But we're not done yet! # >>> vmap(partial(autograd.grad(f(x), x, grad_outputs=...))) # returns a Tensor of shape [4, 3]. We have to remember to split the # jacobian of shape [4, 3] into two: # - one of shape [3, 3] for the first output # - one of shape [ 3] for the second output def _construct_standard_basis_for(tensors, tensor_numels): # This function: # - constructs a N=sum(tensor_numels) standard basis. i.e. an NxN identity matrix. # - Splits the identity matrix into chunks with each chunk size determined by `tensor_numels`. # - Each chunk corresponds to one tensor. The chunk has the same dtype and # device as the tensor # # For example, with tensor_numels = [1, 2, 1], this function returns: # ( tensor([[1], tensor([[0, 0], tensor([[0], # [0], [1, 0], [0], # [0], [0, 1], [0], # [0]]) , [0, 0]]) , [1]]) ) # # Precondition: tensor_numels == tuple(tensor.numel() for tensor in tensors) # Precondition: tensors always has at least one element. # # See NOTE: [Computing jacobian with vmap and grad for multiple tensors] # for context behind this function. assert len(tensors) == len(tensor_numels) assert len(tensors) > 0 total_numel = sum(tensor_numels) diag_start_indices = (0, *torch.tensor(tensor_numels).cumsum(dim=0)[:-1].neg().unbind()) chunks = tuple(tensor.new_zeros(total_numel, tensor_numel) for tensor, tensor_numel in zip(tensors, tensor_numels)) for chunk, diag_start_idx in zip(chunks, diag_start_indices): chunk.diagonal(diag_start_idx).fill_(1) chunks = tuple(chunk.view(total_numel, *tensor.shape) for chunk, tensor in zip(chunks, tensors)) return chunks def _validate_and_wrap_argnum(argnum, num_args): if not isinstance(argnum, int): raise RuntimeError(f'argnum must be int, got: {type(argnum)}') if argnum >= 0 and argnum < num_args: return argnum if argnum < 0 and argnum >= -num_args: return argnum + num_args raise RuntimeError(f'Got argnum={argnum}, but only {num_args} positional inputs') def _check_unique_non_empty(argnums): if isinstance(argnums, tuple): if len(argnums) == 0: raise RuntimeError("argnums must be non-empty") if len(set(argnums)) != len(argnums): raise RuntimeError(f"argnums elements must be unique, got {argnums}") def _replace_args(old_args, new_args, argnums): if isinstance(argnums, int): if len(new_args) != 1: raise RuntimeError(f'new_args should be of size 1, was of size {len(new_args)}') return tuple(new_args[0] if i == argnums else old_args[i] for i in range(len(old_args))) if isinstance(argnums, tuple): if len(new_args) != len(argnums): raise RuntimeError( "new_args should have the same size as argnums. " f"Argnums size {len(argnums)}, new_args size {len(new_args)}") def get_right_elem(i): return new_args[argnums.index(i)] if i in argnums else old_args[i] return tuple(get_right_elem(i) for i in range(len(old_args))) raise RuntimeError(f'argnums must be int or Tuple[int, ...], got: {type(argnums)}') def _validate_and_wrap_argnums(argnums, num_args): if isinstance(argnums, int): return _validate_and_wrap_argnum(argnums, num_args) if isinstance(argnums, tuple): return tuple(_validate_and_wrap_argnum(argnum, num_args) for argnum in argnums) raise AssertionError("Should never get here") def _slice_argnums(args, argnums, as_tuple=True): if not isinstance(argnums, int) and not isinstance(argnums, tuple): raise RuntimeError(f'argnums must be int or Tuple[int, ...], got: {type(argnums)}') argnums = _validate_and_wrap_argnums(argnums, len(args)) _check_unique_non_empty(argnums) if isinstance(argnums, int): if as_tuple: return (args[argnums],) else: return args[argnums] return tuple(args[i] for i in argnums) def _argnums_partial(f, args, argnums): def f_wrapper(*wrapper_args): replaced_args = _replace_args(args, wrapper_args, argnums) return f(*replaced_args) wrapper_args = _slice_argnums(args, argnums) wrapper_args = wrapper_args if isinstance(wrapper_args, tuple) else (wrapper_args, ) return (f_wrapper, wrapper_args) JVP_NESTING = 0 @contextlib.contextmanager def noop(): yield @contextlib.contextmanager def enable_fwd_grad(enabled=True): prev_state = get_fwd_grad_enabled() set_fwd_grad_enabled(enabled) try: yield finally: set_fwd_grad_enabled(prev_state) def assert_flat_tuple_of_tensors(elts: Any, api: str, argname: str) -> None: if not isinstance(elts, tuple): raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected {argname} to be a tuple of Tensors, got {type(elts)}') for elt in elts: if isinstance(elt, torch.Tensor): continue raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected {argname} to be a tuple of Tensors, got ' f'a tuple with an element of type {type(elt)}') if len(elts) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected {argname} to be a non-empty tuple of Tensors.') def assert_non_empty_tensor_output(output: List[Any], api: str) -> None: if output == [None] or len(output) < 1: raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected f to be a function that has non-empty output (got output = {output})' ) for o in output: if not isinstance(o, torch.Tensor): raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: expected f(*primals) to return only tensors' f', got unsupported type {type(o)}' ) def assert_output_is_tensor_or_tensors(output: Any, api: str) -> None: if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor): return if not isinstance(output, tuple): raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected output of f to be a Tensor or Tensors, got ' f'{type(output)}') if len(output) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected output of f to be a non-empty tuple of Tensors.') for out in output: if isinstance(out, torch.Tensor): continue raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected output of f to be a Tensor or Tensors, got ' f'{type(out)} as an output') def assert_non_empty_list_of_tensors(output: List[torch.Tensor], api: str, argname: str) -> None: if len(output) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected {argname} to contain at least one Tensor.') for out in output: if isinstance(out, torch.Tensor): continue raise RuntimeError( f'{api}: Expected {argname} to only contain Tensors, got ' f'{type(out)}') jvp_str = 'jvp(f, primals, tangents)' def safe_unpack_dual(dual, strict): if not isinstance(dual, torch.Tensor): raise RuntimeError( f'{jvp_str}: expected f(*args) to return only tensors' f', got unsupported type {type(dual)}' ) primal, tangent = fwAD.unpack_dual(dual) if tangent is None: if strict: raise RuntimeError( 'jvp(f, primals, tangents, strict=True): ' 'The output of f is independent of ' 'the inputs. This is not allowed with strict=True.') tangent = torch.zeros_like(primal) return primal, tangent
[docs]def jvp(func: Callable, primals: Any, tangents: Any, *, strict: bool = False, has_aux: bool = False): """ Standing for the Jacobian-vector product, returns a tuple containing the output of `func(*primals)` and the "Jacobian of ``func`` evaluated at ``primals``" times ``tangents``. This is also known as forward-mode autodiff. Args: func (function): A Python function that takes one or more arguments, one of which must be a Tensor, and returns one or more Tensors primals (Tensors): Positional arguments to :attr:`func` that must all be Tensors. The returned function will also be computing the derivative with respect to these arguments tangents (Tensors): The "vector" for which Jacobian-vector-product is computed. Must be the same structure and sizes as the inputs to ``func``. has_aux (bool): Flag indicating that :attr:`func` returns a ``(output, aux)`` tuple where the first element is the output of the function to be differentiated and the second element is other auxiliary objects that will not be differentiated. Default: False. Returns: Returns a ``(output, jvp_out)`` tuple containing the output of ``func`` evaluated at ``primals`` and the Jacobian-vector product. If ``has_aux is True``, then instead returns a ``(output, jvp_out, aux)`` tuple. .. warning:: PyTorch's forward-mode AD coverage on operators is not very good at the moment. You may see this API error out with "forward-mode AD not implemented for operator X". If so, please file us a bug report and we will prioritize it. jvp is useful when you wish to compute gradients of a function R^1 -> R^N >>> from functorch import jvp >>> x = torch.randn([]) >>> f = lambda x: x * torch.tensor([1., 2., 3]) >>> value, grad = jvp(f, (x,), (torch.tensor(1.),)) >>> assert torch.allclose(value, f(x)) >>> assert torch.allclose(grad, torch.tensor([1., 2, 3])) :func:`jvp` can support functions with multiple inputs by passing in the tangents for each of the inputs >>> from functorch import jvp >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> y = torch.randn(5) >>> f = lambda x, y: (x * y) >>> _, output = jvp(f, (x, y), (torch.ones(5), torch.ones(5))) >>> assert torch.allclose(output, x + y) """ if not isinstance(primals, tuple): raise RuntimeError( f'{jvp_str}: Expected primals to be a tuple. ' f'E.g. it should be valid to call f(*primals).') flat_primals, primals_spec = tree_flatten(primals) flat_tangents, tangents_spec = tree_flatten(tangents) if primals_spec != tangents_spec: raise RuntimeError( f'{jvp_str}: Expected primals and tangents to have the same python ' f'structure. For example, if primals is a tuple of 3 tensors, ' f'tangents also must be. Got primals with structure {primals_spec} ' f'and tangents with structure {tangents_spec}') assert_non_empty_list_of_tensors(flat_primals, jvp_str, 'primals') assert_non_empty_list_of_tensors(flat_tangents, jvp_str, 'tangents') level = _jvp_increment_nesting() try: global JVP_NESTING JVP_NESTING += 1 with enable_fwd_grad(): ctx = fwAD.dual_level if JVP_NESTING == 1 else noop with ctx(): flat_duals = tuple(fwAD.make_dual(p, t) for p, t in zip(flat_primals, flat_tangents)) duals = tree_unflatten(flat_duals, primals_spec) result_duals = func(*duals) if has_aux: if not (isinstance(result_duals, tuple) and len(result_duals) == 2): raise RuntimeError( f"{jvp_str}: output of function f should be a tuple: (output, aux) " "if has_aux is True" ) result_duals, aux = result_duals aux = _undo_create_differentiable(aux, level) result_duals, spec = tree_flatten(result_duals) assert_non_empty_tensor_output(result_duals, jvp_str) primals_out, tangents_out = \ zip(*[safe_unpack_dual(dual, strict) for dual in result_duals]) primals_out = tree_map( partial(_undo_create_differentiable, level=level), primals_out) tangents_out = tree_map( partial(_undo_create_differentiable, level=level), tangents_out) primals_out_unflatten = tree_unflatten(primals_out, spec) tangents_out_unflatten = tree_unflatten(tangents_out, spec) if has_aux: return primals_out_unflatten, tangents_out_unflatten, aux return primals_out_unflatten, tangents_out_unflatten finally: _jvp_decrement_nesting() JVP_NESTING -= 1
def safe_unflatten(tensor, dim, shape): if len(shape) == 0: assert tensor.shape[dim] == 1 return tensor.squeeze(dim) return tensor.unflatten(dim, shape)
[docs]def jacfwd(func: Callable, argnums: argnums_t = 0, has_aux: bool = False): """ Computes the Jacobian of :attr:`func` with respect to the arg(s) at index :attr:`argnum` using forward-mode autodiff Args: func (function): A Python function that takes one or more arguments, one of which must be a Tensor, and returns one or more Tensors argnums (int or Tuple[int]): Optional, integer or tuple of integers, saying which arguments to get the Jacobian with respect to. Default: 0. has_aux (bool): Flag indicating that :attr:`func` returns a ``(output, aux)`` tuple where the first element is the output of the function to be differentiated and the second element is auxiliary objects that will not be differentiated. Default: False. Returns: Returns a function that takes in the same inputs as :attr:`func` and returns the Jacobian of :attr:`func` with respect to the arg(s) at :attr:`argnums`. If ``has_aux is True``, then the returned function instead returns a ``(jacobian, aux)`` tuple where ``jacobian`` is the Jacobian and ``aux`` is auxiliary objects returned by :attr:`func`. .. warning:: PyTorch's forward-mode AD coverage on operators is not very good at the moment. You may see this API error out with "forward-mode AD not implemented for operator X". If so, please file us a bug report and we will prioritize it. A basic usage with a pointwise, unary operation will give a diagonal array as the Jacobian >>> from functorch import jacfwd >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> jacobian = jacfwd(torch.sin)(x) >>> expected = torch.diag(torch.cos(x)) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian, expected) :func:`jacfwd` can be composed with vmap to produce batched Jacobians: >>> from functorch import jacfwd, vmap >>> x = torch.randn(64, 5) >>> jacobian = vmap(jacfwd(torch.sin))(x) >>> assert jacobian.shape == (64, 5, 5) If you would like to compute the output of the function as well as the jacobian of the function, use the ``has_aux`` flag to return the output as an auxiliary object: >>> from functorch import jacfwd >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> >>> def f(x): >>> return x.sin() >>> >>> def g(x): >>> result = f(x) >>> return result, result >>> >>> jacobian_f, f_x = jacfwd(g, has_aux=True)(x) >>> assert torch.allclose(f_x, f(x)) Additionally, :func:`jacrev` can be composed with itself or :func:`jacrev` to produce Hessians >>> from functorch import jacfwd, jacrev >>> def f(x): >>> return x.sin().sum() >>> >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> hessian = jacfwd(jacrev(f))(x) >>> assert torch.allclose(hessian, torch.diag(-x.sin())) By default, :func:`jacfwd` computes the Jacobian with respect to the first input. However, it can compute the Jacboian with respect to a different argument by using :attr:`argnums`: >>> from functorch import jacfwd >>> def f(x, y): >>> return x + y ** 2 >>> >>> x, y = torch.randn(5), torch.randn(5) >>> jacobian = jacfwd(f, argnums=1)(x, y) >>> expected = torch.diag(2 * y) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian, expected) Additionally, passing a tuple to :attr:`argnums` will compute the Jacobian with respect to multiple arguments >>> from functorch import jacfwd >>> def f(x, y): >>> return x + y ** 2 >>> >>> x, y = torch.randn(5), torch.randn(5) >>> jacobian = jacfwd(f, argnums=(0, 1))(x, y) >>> expectedX = torch.diag(torch.ones_like(x)) >>> expectedY = torch.diag(2 * y) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian[0], expectedX) >>> assert torch.allclose(jacobian[1], expectedY) """ def wrapper_fn(*args): f_wrapper, primals = _argnums_partial(func, args, argnums) flat_primals, primals_spec = tree_flatten(primals) flat_primals_numels = tuple(p.numel() for p in flat_primals) flat_basis = _construct_standard_basis_for(flat_primals, flat_primals_numels) basis = tree_unflatten(flat_basis, primals_spec) def push_jvp(basis): output = jvp(f_wrapper, primals, basis, has_aux=has_aux) if has_aux: _, jvp_out, aux = output return jvp_out, aux _, jvp_out = output return jvp_out results = vmap(push_jvp)(basis) if has_aux: results, aux = results # aux is in the standard basis format, e.g. NxN matrix # We need to fetch the first element as original `func` output flat_aux, aux_spec = tree_flatten(aux) flat_aux = [value[0] for value in flat_aux] aux = tree_unflatten(flat_aux, aux_spec) jac_outs, spec = tree_flatten(results) # Most probably below output check can never raise an error # as jvp should test the output before # assert_non_empty_output(jac_outs, 'jacfwd(f, ...)(*args)') jac_outs_ins = tuple( tuple( safe_unflatten(jac_out_in, -1, primal.shape) for primal, jac_out_in in zip(flat_primals, jac_out.movedim(0, -1).split(flat_primals_numels, dim=-1)) ) for jac_out in jac_outs ) jac_outs_ins = tuple(tree_unflatten(jac_ins, primals_spec) for jac_ins in jac_outs_ins) if isinstance(argnums, int): jac_outs_ins = tuple(jac_ins[0] for jac_ins in jac_outs_ins) if has_aux: return tree_unflatten(jac_outs_ins, spec), aux return tree_unflatten(jac_outs_ins, spec) return wrapper_fn
[docs]def hessian(func, argnums=0): """ Computes the Hessian of :attr:`func` with respect to the arg(s) at index :attr:`argnum` via a forward-over-reverse strategy. The forward-over-reverse strategy (composing ``jacfwd(jacrev(func))``) is a good default for good performance. It is possible to compute Hessians through other compositions of :func:`jacfwd` and :func:`jacrev` like ``jacfwd(jacfwd(func))`` or ``jacrev(jacrev(func))``. Args: func (function): A Python function that takes one or more arguments, one of which must be a Tensor, and returns one or more Tensors argnums (int or Tuple[int]): Optional, integer or tuple of integers, saying which arguments to get the Hessian with respect to. Default: 0. Returns: Returns a function that takes in the same inputs as :attr:`func` and returns the Hessian of :attr:`func` with respect to the arg(s) at :attr:`argnums`. .. warning:: PyTorch's forward-mode AD coverage on operators is not very good at the moment. You may see this API error out with "forward-mode AD not implemented for operator X". If so, please file us a bug report and we will prioritize it. A basic usage with a R^N -> R^1 function gives a N x N Hessian: >>> from functorch import hessian >>> def f(x): >>> return x.sin().sum() >>> >>> x = torch.randn(5) >>> hess = jacfwd(jacrev(f))(x) >>> assert torch.allclose(hess, torch.diag(-x.sin())) """ return jacfwd(jacrev(func, argnums), argnums)
[docs]def grad_and_value(func: Callable, argnums: argnums_t = 0, has_aux: bool = False) -> Callable: """ Returns a function to compute a tuple of the gradient and primal, or forward, computation. Args: func (Callable): A Python function that takes one or more arguments. Must return a single-element Tensor. If specified :attr:`has_aux` equals ``True``, function can return a tuple of single-element Tensor and other auxiliary objects: ``(output, aux)``. argnums (int or Tuple[int]): Specifies arguments to compute gradients with respect to. :attr:`argnums` can be single integer or tuple of integers. Default: 0. has_aux (bool): Flag indicating that :attr:`func` returns a tensor and other auxiliary objects: ``(output, aux)``. Default: False. Returns: Function to compute a tuple of gradients with respect to its inputs and the forward computation. By default, the output of the function is a tuple of the gradient tensor(s) with respect to the first argument and the primal computation. If specified :attr:`has_aux` equals ``True``, tuple of gradients and tuple of the forward computation with output auxiliary objects is returned. If :attr:`argnums` is a tuple of integers, a tuple of a tuple of the output gradients with respect to each :attr:`argnums` value and the forward computation is returned. See :func:`grad` for examples """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): level = _grad_increment_nesting() try: output, aux, grad_input = None, None, None # See NOTE [grad and vjp interaction with no_grad] with torch.enable_grad(): args = _wrap_all_tensors(args, level) kwargs = _wrap_all_tensors(kwargs, level) diff_args = _slice_argnums(args, argnums, as_tuple=False) tree_map_(partial(_create_differentiable, level=level), diff_args) output = func(*args, **kwargs) if has_aux: if not (isinstance(output, tuple) and len(output) == 2): raise RuntimeError( "grad_and_value(f)(*args): output of function f should be a tuple: (output, aux) " "if has_aux is True" ) output, aux = output if not isinstance(output, torch.Tensor): raise RuntimeError('grad_and_value(f)(*args): Expected f(*args) ' f'to return a Tensor, got {type(output)}') if output.dim() != 0: raise RuntimeError('grad_and_value(f)(*args): Expected f(*args) ' 'to return a scalar Tensor, got tensor with ' f'{output.dim()} dims. Maybe you wanted to ' 'use the vjp or jacrev APIs instead?') flat_diff_args, spec = tree_flatten(diff_args) # NB: need create_graph so that backward pass isn't run in no_grad mode flat_outputs = _as_tuple(output) flat_grad_input = _autograd_grad(flat_outputs, flat_diff_args, create_graph=True) grad_input = tree_unflatten(flat_grad_input, spec) grad_input = _undo_create_differentiable(grad_input, level) output = _undo_create_differentiable(output, level) if aux is not None: aux = _undo_create_differentiable(aux, level) if has_aux: return grad_input, (output, aux) return grad_input, output finally: _grad_decrement_nesting() return wrapper
[docs]def grad(func: Callable, argnums: argnums_t = 0, has_aux: bool = False) -> Callable: """``grad`` operator helps computing gradients of :attr:`func` with respect to the input(s) specified by :attr:`argnums`. This operator can be nested to compute higher-order gradients. Args: func (Callable): A Python function that takes one or more arguments. Must return a single-element Tensor. If specified :attr:`has_aux` equals ``True``, function can return a tuple of single-element Tensor and other auxiliary objects: ``(output, aux)``. argnums (int or Tuple[int]): Specifies arguments to compute gradients with respect to. :attr:`argnums` can be single integer or tuple of integers. Default: 0. has_aux (bool): Flag indicating that :attr:`func` returns a tensor and other auxiliary objects: ``(output, aux)``. Default: False. Returns: Function to compute gradients with respect to its inputs. By default, the output of the function is the gradient tensor(s) with respect to the first argument. If specified :attr:`has_aux` equals ``True``, tuple of gradients and output auxiliary objects is returned. If :attr:`argnums` is a tuple of integers, a tuple of output gradients with respect to each :attr:`argnums` value is returned. Example of using ``grad``: >>> from functorch import grad >>> x = torch.randn([]) >>> cos_x = grad(lambda x: torch.sin(x))(x) >>> assert torch.allclose(cos_x, x.cos()) >>> >>> # Second-order gradients >>> neg_sin_x = grad(grad(lambda x: torch.sin(x)))(x) >>> assert torch.allclose(neg_sin_x, -x.sin()) When composed with ``vmap``, ``grad`` can be used to compute per-sample-gradients: >>> from functorch import grad >>> from functorch import vmap >>> batch_size, feature_size = 3, 5 >>> >>> def model(weights, feature_vec): >>> # Very simple linear model with activation >>> assert feature_vec.dim() == 1 >>> return >>> >>> def compute_loss(weights, example, target): >>> y = model(weights, example) >>> return ((y - target) ** 2).mean() # MSELoss >>> >>> weights = torch.randn(feature_size, requires_grad=True) >>> examples = torch.randn(batch_size, feature_size) >>> targets = torch.randn(batch_size) >>> inputs = (weights, examples, targets) >>> grad_weight_per_example = vmap(grad(compute_loss), in_dims=(None, 0, 0))(*inputs) Example of using ``grad`` with :attr:`has_aux` and :attr:`argnums`: >>> from functorch import grad >>> def my_loss_func(y, y_pred): >>> loss_per_sample = (0.5 * y_pred - y) ** 2 >>> loss = loss_per_sample.mean() >>> return loss, (y_pred, loss_per_sample) >>> >>> fn = grad(my_loss_func, argnums=(0, 1), has_aux=True) >>> y_true = torch.rand(4) >>> y_preds = torch.rand(4, requires_grad=True) >>> out = fn(y_true, y_preds) >>> > output is ((grads w.r.t y_true, grads w.r.t y_preds), (y_pred, loss_per_sample)) .. note:: Using PyTorch ``torch.no_grad`` together with ``grad``. Case 1: Using ``torch.no_grad`` inside a function: >>> def f(x): >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> c = x ** 2 >>> return x - c In this case, ``grad(f)(x)`` will respect the inner ``torch.no_grad``. Case 2: Using ``grad`` inside ``torch.no_grad`` context manager: >>> with torch.no_grad(): >>> grad(f)(x) In this case, ``grad`` will respect the inner ``torch.no_grad``, but not the outer one. This is because ``grad`` is a "function transform": its result should not depend on the result of a context manager outside of ``f``. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): results = grad_and_value(func, argnums, has_aux=has_aux)(*args, **kwargs) if has_aux: grad, (_, aux) = results return grad, aux grad, _ = results return grad return wrapper