Inspector APIs ============== Overview -------- The Inspector APIs provide a convenient interface for analyzing the contents of `ETRecord <sdk-etrecord.html>`__ and `ETDump <sdk-etdump.html>`__, helping developers get insights about model architecture and performance statistics. It’s built on top of the `EventBlock Class <#eventblock-class>`__ data structure, which organizes a group of `Event <#event-class>`__\ s for easy access to details of profiling events. There are multiple ways in which users can interact with the Inspector APIs: * By using `public methods <#inspector-methods>`__ provided by the ``Inspector`` class. * By accessing the `public attributes <#inspector-attributes>`__ of the ``Inspector``, ``EventBlock``, and ``Event`` classes. * By using a `CLI <#cli>`__ tool for basic functionalities. Please refer to the `e2e use case doc <tutorials/sdk-integration-tutorial.html>`__ get an understanding of how to use these in a real world example. Inspector Methods ----------------- Constructor ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: executorch.sdk.Inspector.__init__ **Example Usage:** .. code:: python from executorch.sdk import Inspector inspector = Inspector(etdump_path="/path/to/etdump.etdp", etrecord="/path/to/etrecord.bin") to_dataframe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: executorch.sdk.Inspector.to_dataframe print_data_tabular ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: executorch.sdk.Inspector.print_data_tabular .. _example-usage-1: **Example Usage:** .. code:: python inspector.print_data_tabular() .. image:: _static/img/print_data_tabular.png Note that the unit of delegate profiling events is "cycles". We're working on providing a way to set different units in the future. find_total_for_module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: executorch.sdk.Inspector.find_total_for_module .. _example-usage-2: **Example Usage:** .. code:: python print(inspector.find_total_for_module("L__self___conv_layer")) :: 0.002 get_exported_program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: executorch.sdk.Inspector.get_exported_program .. _example-usage-3: **Example Usage:** .. code:: python print(inspector.get_exported_program()) :: ExportedProgram: class GraphModule(torch.nn.Module): def forward(self, arg0_1: f32[4, 3, 64, 64]): # No stacktrace found for following nodes _param_constant0 = self._param_constant0 _param_constant1 = self._param_constant1 ### ... Omit part of the program for documentation readability ... ### Graph signature: ExportGraphSignature(parameters=[], buffers=[], user_inputs=['arg0_1'], user_outputs=['aten_tan_default'], inputs_to_parameters={}, inputs_to_buffers={}, buffers_to_mutate={}, backward_signature=None, assertion_dep_token=None) Range constraints: {} Equality constraints: [] Inspector Attributes -------------------- ``EventBlock`` Class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Access ``EventBlock`` instances through the ``event_blocks`` attribute of an ``Inspector`` instance, for example: .. code:: python inspector.event_blocks .. autoclass:: executorch.sdk.inspector.EventBlock ``Event`` Class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Access ``Event`` instances through the ``events`` attribute of an ``EventBlock`` instance. .. autoclass:: executorch.sdk.inspector.Event **Example Usage:** .. code:: python for event_block in inspector.event_blocks: for event in if == "Method::execute": print(event.perf_data.raw) :: [175.748, 78.678, 70.429, 122.006, 97.495, 67.603, 70.2, 90.139, 66.344, 64.575, 134.135, 93.85, 74.593, 83.929, 75.859, 73.909, 66.461, 72.102, 84.142, 77.774, 70.038, 80.246, 59.134, 68.496, 67.496, 100.491, 81.162, 74.53, 70.709, 77.112, 59.775, 79.674, 67.54, 79.52, 66.753, 70.425, 71.703, 81.373, 72.306, 72.404, 94.497, 77.588, 79.835, 68.597, 71.237, 88.528, 71.884, 74.047, 81.513, 76.116] CLI --- Execute the following command in your terminal to display the data table. This command produces the identical table output as calling the `print_data_tabular <#print-data-tabular>`__ mentioned earlier: .. code:: bash python3 -m sdk.inspector.inspector_cli --etdump_path <path_to_etdump> --etrecord_path <path_to_etrecord> Note that the `etrecord_path` argument is optional. We plan to extend the capabilities of the CLI in the future.