.. _torch.compiler_ir: IRs =============== PyTorch 2.0 offers two set of IRs for backends to interface with: Core Aten IR and Prims IR. Core Aten IR -------------------- Core aten ops is the core subset of aten operators that can be used to compose other operators. Core aten IR is fully functional, and there is no `inplace` or `_out` variants in this opset. In contrast to Prims IR, core aten ops reuses the existing aten ops in "native_functions.yaml", and it doesn't further decompose ops into explicit type promotion and broadcasting ops. This opset is designed to serve as the functional IR to interface with backends. .. warning:: This opset is still under active development, more ops will be added in the future. .. csv-table:: :file: ../build/ir/aten_ops.csv :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 Prims IR ----------- Prims IR is a set of primitive operators that can be used to compose other operators. Prims IR is a lower level opset than core aten IR, and it further decomposes ops into explicit type promotion and broadcasting ops: prims.convert_element_type and prims.broadcast_in_dim. This opset is designed to interface with compiler backends. .. warning:: This opset is still under active development, more ops will be added in the future. .. csv-table:: :file: ../build/ir/prims_ops.csv :widths: auto :header-rows: 1