PyTorch Governance | Maintainers


* Triage and fix high priority issues assigned to the module or library
* Triage, review, and land high priority pull requests assigned to the module or library
* Answer module or library questions on ` <>`__
  and ` <>`__
* Maintain public user and development documentation
* Run meetings and share minutes plus roadmap on a half or quarterly basis

Lead Core Maintainer (BDFL)

* Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__)

Core Maintainers

-  Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__)
-  Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__)
-  Greg Chanan (`gchanan <>`__)
-  Dmytro Dzhulgakov (`dzhulgakov <>`__)
-  Nikita Shulga (`malfet <>`__)

Module-level maintainers

NN APIs (torch.nn)

-  Greg Chanan (`gchanan <>`__)
-  Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__)
-  Joel Schlosser (`jbschlosser <>`__)
-  Alban Desmaison (`albanD <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Sam Gross (`colesbury <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Adam Paszke (`apaszke <>`__)

Optimizers (torch.optim)

-  Alban Desmaison (`albanD <>`__)
-  Joel Schlosser (`jbschlosser <>`__)
-  Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Ilqar Ramazanli (`iramazanli <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Vincent Quenneville-Belair (`vincentqb <>`__)

Autograd (torch.autograd)

-  Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__)
-  Alban Desmaison (`alband <>`__)
-  Jeffrey Wan (`soulitzer <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Adam Paszke (`apaszke <>`__)

Compilers (JIT / TorchScript / FX / TorchDynamo)

-  Elias Ellison (`eellison <>`__)
-  Michael Suo (`suo <>`__)
-  Yanan Cao (`gmagogsfm <>`__)
-  James Reed (`jamesr66a <>`__)
-  Jason Ansel (`jansel <>`__)
-  Jiong Gong (`jgong5 <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Zach Devito (`zdevito <>`__)

Distributions & RNG

-  Fritz Obermeyer (`fritzo <>`__)
-  Neeraj Pradhan (`neerajprad <>`__)
-  Alican Bozkurt (`alicanb <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Vishwak Srinivasan (`vishwakftw <>`__)


-  Shen Li (`mrshenli <>`__)
-  Pritam Damania (`pritamdamania87 <>`__)
-  Yanli Zhao (`zhaojuanmao <>`__)
-  Rohan Varma (`rohan-varma <>`__)
-  Wanchao Liang (`wanchaol <>`__)
-  Junjie Wang (`fduwjj <>`__)
-  Howard Huang (`H-Huang <>`__)
-  Tristan Rice (`d4l3k <>`__)
-  Alisson Azzolini (`aazzolini <>`__)
-  Ke Wen (`kwen2501 <>`__)
-  James Reed (`jamesr66a <>`__)
-  Kiuk Chung (`kiukchung <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Pieter Noordhuis (`pietern <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Mingzhe Li (`mingzhe09088 <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Omkar Salpekar (`osalpekar <>`__)

Multiprocessing and DataLoaders

-  Simon Wang (`SsnL <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Vitaly Fedyunin (`VitalyFedyunin <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Adam Paszke (`apaszke <>`__)

Linear Algebra (torch.linalg)

-  Mike Ruberry (`mruberry <>`__)
-  Mario Lezcano (`lezcano <>`__)
-  Ivan Yashchuk (`IvanYashchuk <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Vishwak Srinivasan (`vishwakftw <>`__)

Sparse (torch.sparse)

-  Pearu Peterson (`pearu <>`__)
-  Nikita Vedeneev (`nikitaved <>`__)
-  Ivan Yashchuk (`IvanYashchuk <>`__)
-  Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__)
-  Andrew James (`amjames <>`__)

NestedTensor (torch.nested)

-  Alban Desmaison (`albanD <>`__)
-  Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__)
-  Driss Guessous (`drisspg <>`__)
-  Joel Schlosser (`jbschlosser <>`__)
-  Mikayla Gawarecki (`mikaylagawarecki <>`__)
-  Natalia Gimelshein (`ngimel <>`__)

MaskedTensor (torch.masked)

-  Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__)
-  (emeritus) George Qi (`george-qi <>`__)

Fast Fourier Transform (torch.fft)

-  Mike Ruberry (`mruberry <>`__)
-  Peter Bell (`peterbell10 <>`__)

CPU Performance (Torch Inductor / MKLDNN)

-  Mingfei Ma (`mingfeima <>`__)
-  Jiong Gong (`jgong5 <>`__)
-  Xiaobing Zhang (`XiaobingSuper <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Xiaoqiang Zheng (`zheng-xq <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Sam Gross (`colesbury <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Ilia Cherniavskii (`ilia-cher <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Junjie Bai (`bddppq <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Yinghai Lu (`yinghai <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Vitaly Fedyunin (`VitalyFedyunin <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Jianhui Li (`Jianhui-Li <>`__)

GPU Performance (Torch Inductor / Triton / CUDA)

-  Natalia Gimelshein (`ngimel <>`__)
-  Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__)
-  Piotr Bialecki (`ptrblck <>`__)
-  Christian Sarofeen (`csarofeen <>`__)
-  Andrew Tulloch (`ajtulloch <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Xiaoqiang Zheng (`zheng-xq <>`__)


-  Christian Sarofeen (`csarofeen <>`__)
-  Alex Jann (`jjsjann123 <>`__)
-  Piotr Bialecki (`ptrblck <>`__)
-  Natalia Gimelshein (`ngimel <>`__)


-  Peng Sun (`sunway513 <>`__)
-  Jithun Nair (`jithunnair-amd <>`__)
-  Jeff Daily (`jeffdaily <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Junjie Bai (`bddppq <>`__)

Build + CI

-  Nikita Shulga (`malfet <>`__)
-  Eli Uriegas (`seemethere <>`__)
-  Alban Desmaison (`alband <>`__)
-  Mikey Dagitses (`dagitses <>`__)
-  Omkar Salpekar (`osalpekar <>`__)
-  Zain Rizvi (`ZainRizvi <>`__)
-  Nirav Mehta (`mehtanirav <>`__)
-  Andrey Talman (`atalman <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Zhuojie Zhou (`zhouzhuojie <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Karl Ostmo (`kostmo <>`__)

Performance Tools

-  Adnan Aziz (`adnanaziz <>`__)
-  CK Luk (`ckluk <>`__)
-  Taylor Robie (`robieta <>`__)
-  Xu Zhao (`xuzhao9 <>`__)
-  Geeta Chauhan (`chauhang <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Victor Bittorf (`bitfort <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Gisle Dankel (`gdankel <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Natalia Gimelshein (`ngimel <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Mingzhe Li (`mingzhe09088 <>`__)


-  Joel Schlosser (`jbschlosser <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Will Feng (`yf225 <>`__)

C10 utils and operator dispatch

-  Brian Hirsh (`bdhirsh <>`__)
-  Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__)
-  Dmytro Dzhulgakov (`dzhulgakov <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Sebastian Messmer (`smessmer <>`__)

ONNX exporter
-  Aaron Bockover (`abock <>`__)
-  Bowen Bao (`BowenBao <>`__)
-  Thiago Crepaldi (`thiagocrepaldi <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Gary Miguel (`garymm <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Lara Haidar (`lara-hdr <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Lu Fang (`houseroad <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Negin Raoof (`neginraoof <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Spandan Tiwari (`spandantiwari <>`__)

Mobile / Edge
-  David Reiss (`dreiss <>`__)
-  Raziel Guevara (`raziel <>`__)
-  Linbin Yu (`linbinyu <>`__)
-  Ivan Kobzarev (`IvanKobzarev <>`__)
-  Tao Xu (`xta0 <>`__)

Model Compression & Optimization
-  Vasiliy Kuznetsov (`vkuzo <>`__)
-  Jerry Zhang (`jerryzh168 <>`__)
-  Supriya Rao (`supriyar <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Zafar Takhirov (`z-a-f <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi (`raghuramank100 <>`__)


-  Guoliang Hua (`nbcsm <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Teng Gao (`gaoteng-git <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Peter Johnson (`peterjc123 <>`__)

Apple M1/MPS

-  Alban Desmaison (`alband <>`__)
-  Nikita Shulga (`malfet <>`__)
-  Kulin Seth (`kulinseth <>`__)
-  Ramin Azarmehr (`razarmehr <>`__)


-  Alfredo Mendoza (`avmgithub <>`__)

AArch64 CPU

-  Sunita Nadampalli (`snadampal <>`__)

Docs / Tutorials

- Svetlana Karslioglu (`svekars <>`__)

Library-level maintainers


-  Jack Cao (`JackCaoG <>`__)
-  Daniel Sohn (`jysohn23 <>`__)
-  Zach Cain (`zcain117 <>`__)
-  Brian Hirsh (`bdhirsh <>`__)
-  Gregory Chanan (`gchanan <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Ailing Zhang (`ailzhang <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Davide Libenzi (`dlibenzi <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Alex Suhan (`asuhan <>`__)


-  Geeta Chauhan (`chauhang <>`__)
-  Manoj Rao (`mycpuorg <>`__)
-  Vamshi Dantu (`vdantu <>`__)
-  Dhanasekar Karuppasamy (`dhanainme <>`__)


-  Francisco Massa (`fmassa <>`__)
-  Vasilis Vryniotis (`datumbox <>`__)
-  Nicolas Hug (`NicolasHug <>`__)
-  Yosua Michael Maranatha (`YosuaMichael <>`__)
-  Joao Gomes (`jdsgomes <>`__)
-  Philip Meier (`pmeier <>`__)
-  Victor Fomin (`vfdev-5 <>`__)


-  Nayef Ahmed (`Nayef211 <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Parmeet Singh Bhatia (`parmeet <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Guanheng George Zhang (`zhangguanheng66 <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__)


-  Moto Hira (`mthrok <>`__)
-  Jeff Hwang (`hwangjeff <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Caroline Chen (`carolineechen <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Xiaohui Zhang (`xiaohui-zhang <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Zhaoheng Ni (`nateanl <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Vincent QB (`vincentqb <>`__)


-  Dmytro Ivchenko (`divchenko <>`__)
-  Colin Taylor (`colin2328 <>`__)


-  Tristan Rice (`d4l3k <>`__)
-  Kiuk Chung (`kiukchung <>`__)

TorchData / TorchArrow

-  Wenlei Xie (`wenleix <>`__)
-  (emeritus) Vitaly Fedyunin (`VitalyFedyunin <>`__)