PyTorch Governance | Persons of Interest ========================================= General Maintainers ------------------- - Adam Paszke (`apaszke <>`__) - Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__) - Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__) - Greg Chanan (`gchanan <>`__) - Dmytro Dzhulgakov (`dzhulgakov <>`__) - (sunsetting) Sam Gross (`colesbury <>`__) Module-level maintainers ------------------------ torch.* ~~~~~~~ - Greg Chanan (`gchanan <>`__) - Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__) - [linear algebra] Vishwak Srinivasan (`vishwakftw <>`__) torch.nn ~~~~~~~~ - Thomas Viehmann (`t-vi <>`__) - Adam Paszke (`apaszke <>`__) - Greg Chanan (`gchanan <>`__) - Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__) - Sam Gross (`colesbury <>`__) torch.optim ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Vincent Quenneville-Belair (`vincentqb <>`__) - Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__) Autograd Engine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__) - Alban Desmaison (`alband <>`__) - Adam Paszke (`apaszke <>`__) JIT ~~~ - Zach Devito (`zdevito <>`__) - Michael Suo (`suo <>`__) Distributions & RNG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fritz Obermeyer (`fritzo <>`__) - Neeraj Pradhan (`neerajprad <>`__) - Alican Bozkurt (`alicanb <>`__) - Vishwak Srinivasan (`vishwakftw <>`__) Distributed ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pieter Noordhuis (`pietern <>`__) - Shen Li (`mrshenli <>`__) - (proposed) Pritam Damania (`pritamdamania87 <>`__) Multiprocessing and DataLoaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Vitaly Fedyunin (`VitalyFedyunin <>`__) - Simon Wang (`SsnL <>`__) - Adam Paszke (`apaszke <>`__) CPU Performance / SIMD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Xiaoqiang Zheng (`zheng-xq <>`__) - Vitaly Fedyunin (`VitalyFedyunin <>`__) - Sam Gross (`colesbury <>`__) - (sunsetting) Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__) - [threading] Ilia Cherniavskii (`ilia-cher <>`__) CUDA ~~~~ - Natalia Gimelshein (`ngimel <>`__) - Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__) - Xiaoqiang Zheng (`zheng-xq <>`__) MKLDNN ~~~~~~ - Junjie Bai (`bddppq <>`__) - Yinghai Lu (`yinghai <>`__) AMD/ROCm/HIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Junjie Bai (`bddppq <>`__) - Johannes M. Dieterich (`iotamudelta <>`__) Build + CI ~~~~~~~~~~ - Will Feng (`yf225 <>`__) - Edward Yang (`ezyang <>`__) - Soumith Chintala (`soumith <>`__) - Karl Ostmo (`kostmo <>`__) - Hong Xu (`xuhdev <>`__) Benchmarks ~~~~~~~~~~ - Mingzhe Li (`mingzhe09088 <>`__) C++ API ~~~~~~~ - Will Feng (`yf225 <>`__) C10 utils and operator dispatch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Sebastian Messmer (`smessmer <>`__) - Dmytro Dzhulgakov (`dzhulgakov <>`__) ONNX <-> PyTorch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Lu Fang (`houseroad <>`__) - Lara Haidar (`lara-hdr <>`__) - Spandan Tiwari (`spandantiwari <>`__) - Bowen Bao (`BowenBao <>`__) Windows ~~~~~~~ - Peter Johnson (`peterjc123 <>`__) - Guoliang Hua (`nbcsm <>`__) - Teng Gao (`smartcat2010 <>`__) PowerPC ~~~~~~~ - Alfredo Mendoza (`avmgithub <>`__) Library-level maintainers ------------------------- XLA ~~~ - Ailing Zhang (`ailzhang <>`__) - Gregory Chanan (`gchanan <>`__) - Davide Libenzi (`dlibenzi <>`__) - Alex Suhan (`asuhan <>`__) TorchServe ~~~~~~~~~~ - Geeta Chauhan (`chauhang <>`__) - Manoj Rao (`mycpuorg <>`__) - Vamshi Dantu (`vdantu <>`__) - Dhanasekar Karuppasamy (`dhanainme <>`__) TorchVision ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Francisco Massa (`fmassa <>`__) TorchText ~~~~~~~~~ - Guanheng George Zhang (`zhangguanheng66 <>`__) - Christian Puhrsch (`cpuhrsch <>`__) TorchAudio ~~~~~~~~~~ - Vincent QB (`vincentqb <>`__)