
Program Listing for File lr_scheduler.h

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#pragma once

#include <torch/optim/optimizer.h>

#include <torch/csrc/Export.h>

namespace torch {
namespace optim {

class TORCH_API LRScheduler {
  // This class needs to take a reference of an optimizer from outside such that
  // it can modify its learning rates; due to this the lifetime of said
  // optimizer must be maintained
  LRScheduler(torch::optim::Optimizer& optimizer);

  virtual ~LRScheduler() = default;

  void step();

  // A vector of learning rates is calculated and returned from the specific
  // subclass. A vector is returned with each element being a separate learning
  // rate for each param group - although the normal use case would be to return
  // a vector of identical elements.
  virtual std::vector<double> get_lrs() = 0;

  // Get current learning rates from the optimizer
  std::vector<double> get_current_lrs() const;

  unsigned step_count_{};

  void set_optimizer_lrs(const std::vector<double>& learning_rates);

  torch::optim::Optimizer& optimizer_;
} // namespace optim
} // namespace torch


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