.. py:module:: torchaudio.pipelines torchaudio.pipelines ==================== .. currentmodule:: torchaudio.pipelines The ``torchaudio.pipelines`` module packages pre-trained models with support functions and meta-data into simple APIs tailored to perform specific tasks. When using pre-trained models to perform a task, in addition to instantiating the model with pre-trained weights, the client code also needs to build pipelines for feature extractions and post processing in the same way they were done during the training. This requires to carrying over information used during the training, such as the type of transforms and the their parameters (for example, sampling rate the number of FFT bins). To make this information tied to a pre-trained model and easily accessible, ``torchaudio.pipelines`` module uses the concept of a `Bundle` class, which defines a set of APIs to instantiate pipelines, and the interface of the pipelines. The following figure illustrates this. .. image:: https://download.pytorch.org/torchaudio/doc-assets/pipelines-intro.png A pre-trained model and associated pipelines are expressed as an instance of ``Bundle``. Different instances of same ``Bundle`` share the interface, but their implementations are not constrained to be of same types. For example, :class:`SourceSeparationBundle` defines the interface for performing source separation, but its instance :data:`CONVTASNET_BASE_LIBRI2MIX` instantiates a model of :class:`~torchaudio.models.ConvTasNet` while :data:`HDEMUCS_HIGH_MUSDB` instantiates a model of :class:`~torchaudio.models.HDemucs`. Still, because they share the same interface, the usage is the same. .. note:: Under the hood, the implementations of ``Bundle`` use components from other ``torchaudio`` modules, such as :mod:`torchaudio.models` and :mod:`torchaudio.transforms`, or even third party libraries like `SentencPiece `__ and `DeepPhonemizer `__. But this implementation detail is abstracted away from library users. .. _RNNT: RNN-T Streaming/Non-Streaming ASR --------------------------------- Interface ^^^^^^^^^ ``RNNTBundle`` defines ASR pipelines and consists of three steps: feature extraction, inference, and de-tokenization. .. image:: https://download.pytorch.org/torchaudio/doc-assets/pipelines-rnntbundle.png .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_class.rst RNNTBundle RNNTBundle.FeatureExtractor RNNTBundle.TokenProcessor .. rubric:: Tutorials using ``RNNTBundle`` .. minigallery:: torchaudio.pipelines.RNNTBundle Pretrained Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_data.rst EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH wav2vec 2.0 / HuBERT / WavLM - SSL ---------------------------------- Interface ^^^^^^^^^ ``Wav2Vec2Bundle`` instantiates models that generate acoustic features that can be used for downstream inference and fine-tuning. .. image:: https://download.pytorch.org/torchaudio/doc-assets/pipelines-wav2vec2bundle.png .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_class.rst Wav2Vec2Bundle Pretrained Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_data.rst WAV2VEC2_BASE WAV2VEC2_LARGE WAV2VEC2_LARGE_LV60K WAV2VEC2_XLSR53 WAV2VEC2_XLSR_300M WAV2VEC2_XLSR_1B WAV2VEC2_XLSR_2B HUBERT_BASE HUBERT_LARGE HUBERT_XLARGE WAVLM_BASE WAVLM_BASE_PLUS WAVLM_LARGE wav2vec 2.0 / HuBERT - Fine-tuned ASR ------------------------------------- Interface ^^^^^^^^^ ``Wav2Vec2ASRBundle`` instantiates models that generate probability distribution over pre-defined labels, that can be used for ASR. .. image:: https://download.pytorch.org/torchaudio/doc-assets/pipelines-wav2vec2asrbundle.png .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_class.rst Wav2Vec2ASRBundle .. rubric:: Tutorials using ``Wav2Vec2ASRBundle`` .. minigallery:: torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle Pretrained Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_data.rst WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_10M WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_100H WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_960H WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_10M WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_100H WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_960H WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_10M WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_100H WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_960H VOXPOPULI_ASR_BASE_10K_DE VOXPOPULI_ASR_BASE_10K_EN VOXPOPULI_ASR_BASE_10K_ES VOXPOPULI_ASR_BASE_10K_FR VOXPOPULI_ASR_BASE_10K_IT HUBERT_ASR_LARGE HUBERT_ASR_XLARGE .. _Tacotron2: Tacotron2 Text-To-Speech ------------------------ ``Tacotron2TTSBundle`` defines text-to-speech pipelines and consists of three steps: tokenization, spectrogram generation and vocoder. The spectrogram generation is based on :class:`~torchaudio.models.Tacotron2` model. .. image:: https://download.pytorch.org/torchaudio/doc-assets/pipelines-tacotron2bundle.png ``TextProcessor`` can be rule-based tokenization in the case of characters, or it can be a neural-netowrk-based G2P model that generates sequence of phonemes from input text. Similarly ``Vocoder`` can be an algorithm without learning parameters, like `Griffin-Lim`, or a neural-network-based model like `Waveglow`. Interface ^^^^^^^^^ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_class.rst Tacotron2TTSBundle Tacotron2TTSBundle.TextProcessor Tacotron2TTSBundle.Vocoder .. rubric:: Tutorials using ``Tacotron2TTSBundle`` .. minigallery:: torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle Pretrained Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_data.rst TACOTRON2_WAVERNN_PHONE_LJSPEECH TACOTRON2_WAVERNN_CHAR_LJSPEECH TACOTRON2_GRIFFINLIM_PHONE_LJSPEECH TACOTRON2_GRIFFINLIM_CHAR_LJSPEECH Source Separation ----------------- Interface ^^^^^^^^^ ``SourceSeparationBundle`` instantiates source separation models which take single channel audio and generates multi-channel audio. .. image:: https://download.pytorch.org/torchaudio/doc-assets/pipelines-sourceseparationbundle.png .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_class.rst SourceSeparationBundle .. rubric:: Tutorials using ``SourceSeparationBundle`` .. minigallery:: torchaudio.pipelines.SourceSeparationBundle Pretrained Models ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/bundle_data.rst CONVTASNET_BASE_LIBRI2MIX HDEMUCS_HIGH_MUSDB_PLUS HDEMUCS_HIGH_MUSDB