Building from source ==================== TorchAudio integrates PyTorch for numerical computation and third party libraries for multimedia I/O. It requires the following tools to build from source. - `PyTorch `_ - `CMake `_ - `Ninja `_ - C++ complier with C++ 17 support - `GCC `_ (Linux) - `Clang `_ (macOS) - `MSVC `_ 2019 or newer (Windows) - `pkg-config `_ (Linux/macOS, if building sox extension) - `CUDA toolkit `_ and `cuDNN `_ (if building CUDA extension) Most of the tools are available in `Conda `_, so we recommend using conda. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 build.linux build.jetson Customizing the build --------------------- TorchAudio's integration with third party libraries can be enabled/disabled via environment variables. They can be enabled by passing ``1`` and disabled by ``0``. - ``BUILD_SOX``: Enable/disable I/O features based on libsox. - ``BUILD_KALDI``: Enable/disable feature extraction based on Kaldi. - ``BUILD_RNNT``: Enable/disable custom RNN-T loss function. - ``BUILD_CTC_DECODER``: Enable/disable CTC decoder based on `Flashlight Text `_. - ``USE_FFMPEG``: Enable/disable I/O features based on FFmpeg libraries. - ``USE_ROCM``: Enable/disable AMD ROCm support. - ``USE_CUDA``: Enable/disable CUDA support. For the latest configurations and their default values, please check the source code.