Source code for
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
"""Display class to aggregate and print the results of many measurements."""
import collections
import enum
import itertools as it
from typing import DefaultDict, List, Optional, Tuple
from torch.utils.benchmark.utils import common
from torch import tensor as _tensor
import operator
__all__ = ["Colorize", "Compare"]
BEST = "\033[92m"
GOOD = "\033[34m"
BAD = "\033[2m\033[91m"
VERY_BAD = "\033[31m"
BOLD = "\033[1m"
TERMINATE = "\033[0m"
class Colorize(enum.Enum):
NONE = "none"
COLUMNWISE = "columnwise"
ROWWISE = "rowwise"
# Classes to separate internal bookkeeping from what is rendered.
class _Column:
def __init__(
grouped_results: List[Tuple[Optional[common.Measurement], ...]],
time_scale: float,
time_unit: str,
trim_significant_figures: bool,
highlight_warnings: bool,
self._grouped_results = grouped_results
self._flat_results = list(it.chain(*grouped_results))
self._time_scale = time_scale
self._time_unit = time_unit
self._trim_significant_figures = trim_significant_figures
self._highlight_warnings = (
and any(r.has_warnings for r in self._flat_results if r)
leading_digits = [
int(_tensor(r.median / self._time_scale).log10().ceil()) if r else None
for r in self._flat_results
unit_digits = max(d for d in leading_digits if d is not None)
decimal_digits = min(
max(m.significant_figures - digits, 0)
for digits, m in zip(leading_digits, self._flat_results)
if (m is not None) and (digits is not None)
) if self._trim_significant_figures else 1
length = unit_digits + decimal_digits + (1 if decimal_digits else 0)
self._template = f"{{:>{length}.{decimal_digits}f}}{{:>{7 if self._highlight_warnings else 0}}}"
def get_results_for(self, group):
return self._grouped_results[group]
def num_to_str(self, value: Optional[float], estimated_sigfigs: int, spread: Optional[float]):
if value is None:
return " " * len(self.num_to_str(1, estimated_sigfigs, None))
if self._trim_significant_figures:
value = common.trim_sigfig(value, estimated_sigfigs)
return self._template.format(
f" (! {spread * 100:.0f}%)" if self._highlight_warnings and spread is not None else "")
def optional_min(seq):
l = list(seq)
return None if len(l) == 0 else min(l)
class _Row:
def __init__(self, results, row_group, render_env, env_str_len,
row_name_str_len, time_scale, colorize, num_threads=None):
self._results = results
self._row_group = row_group
self._render_env = render_env
self._env_str_len = env_str_len
self._row_name_str_len = row_name_str_len
self._time_scale = time_scale
self._colorize = colorize
self._columns: Tuple[_Column, ...] = ()
self._num_threads = num_threads
def register_columns(self, columns: Tuple[_Column, ...]):
self._columns = columns
def as_column_strings(self):
concrete_results = [r for r in self._results if r is not None]
env = f"({concrete_results[0].env})" if self._render_env else ""
env = env.ljust(self._env_str_len + 4)
output = [" " + env + concrete_results[0].as_row_name]
for m, col in zip(self._results, self._columns or ()):
if m is None:
output.append(col.num_to_str(None, 1, None))
m.median / self._time_scale,
m.iqr / m.median if m.has_warnings else None
return output
def color_segment(segment, value, best_value):
if value <= best_value * 1.01 or value <= best_value + 100e-9:
return BEST + BOLD + segment + TERMINATE * 2
if value <= best_value * 1.1:
return GOOD + BOLD + segment + TERMINATE * 2
if value >= best_value * 5:
return VERY_BAD + BOLD + segment + TERMINATE * 2
if value >= best_value * 2:
return BAD + segment + TERMINATE * 2
return segment
def row_separator(self, overall_width):
return (
[f"{self._num_threads} threads: ".ljust(overall_width, "-")]
if self._num_threads is not None else []
def finalize_column_strings(self, column_strings, col_widths):
best_values = [-1 for _ in column_strings]
if self._colorize == Colorize.ROWWISE:
row_min = min(r.median for r in self._results if r is not None)
best_values = [row_min for _ in column_strings]
elif self._colorize == Colorize.COLUMNWISE:
best_values = [
optional_min(r.median for r in column.get_results_for(self._row_group) if r is not None)
for column in (self._columns or ())
row_contents = [column_strings[0].ljust(col_widths[0])]
for col_str, width, result, best_value in zip(column_strings[1:], col_widths[1:], self._results, best_values):
col_str =
if self._colorize != Colorize.NONE and result is not None and best_value is not None:
col_str = self.color_segment(col_str, result.median, best_value)
return row_contents
class Table:
def __init__(
results: List[common.Measurement],
colorize: Colorize,
trim_significant_figures: bool,
highlight_warnings: bool
assert len({r.label for r in results}) == 1
self.results = results
self._colorize = colorize
self._trim_significant_figures = trim_significant_figures
self._highlight_warnings = highlight_warnings
self.label = results[0].label
self.time_unit, self.time_scale = common.select_unit(
min(r.median for r in results)
self.row_keys = common.ordered_unique([self.row_fn(i) for i in results])
self.row_keys.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(slice(2))) # preserve stmt order
self.column_keys = common.ordered_unique([self.col_fn(i) for i in results])
self.rows, self.columns = self.populate_rows_and_columns()
def row_fn(m: common.Measurement) -> Tuple[int, Optional[str], str]:
return m.num_threads, m.env, m.as_row_name
def col_fn(m: common.Measurement) -> Optional[str]:
return m.description
def populate_rows_and_columns(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[_Row, ...], Tuple[_Column, ...]]:
rows: List[_Row] = []
columns: List[_Column] = []
ordered_results: List[List[Optional[common.Measurement]]] = [
[None for _ in self.column_keys]
for _ in self.row_keys
row_position = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(self.row_keys)}
col_position = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(self.column_keys)}
for r in self.results:
i = row_position[self.row_fn(r)]
j = col_position[self.col_fn(r)]
ordered_results[i][j] = r
unique_envs = {r.env for r in self.results}
render_env = len(unique_envs) > 1
env_str_len = max(len(i) for i in unique_envs) if render_env else 0
row_name_str_len = max(len(r.as_row_name) for r in self.results)
prior_num_threads = -1
prior_env = ""
row_group = -1
rows_by_group: List[List[List[Optional[common.Measurement]]]] = []
for (num_threads, env, _), row in zip(self.row_keys, ordered_results):
thread_transition = (num_threads != prior_num_threads)
if thread_transition:
prior_num_threads = num_threads
prior_env = ""
row_group += 1
render_env=(render_env and env != prior_env),
num_threads=num_threads if thread_transition else None,
prior_env = env
for i in range(len(self.column_keys)):
grouped_results = [tuple(row[i] for row in g) for g in rows_by_group]
column = _Column(
rows_tuple, columns_tuple = tuple(rows), tuple(columns)
for ri in rows_tuple:
return rows_tuple, columns_tuple
def render(self) -> str:
string_rows = [[""] + self.column_keys]
string_rows.extend(r.as_column_strings() for r in self.rows)
num_cols = max(len(i) for i in string_rows)
for sr in string_rows:
sr.extend(["" for _ in range(num_cols - len(sr))])
col_widths = [max(len(j) for j in i) for i in zip(*string_rows)]
finalized_columns = [" | ".join( for i, w in zip(string_rows[0], col_widths))]
overall_width = len(finalized_columns[0])
for string_row, row in zip(string_rows[1:], self.rows):
finalized_columns.append(" | ".join(row.finalize_column_strings(string_row, col_widths)))
newline = "\n"
has_warnings = self._highlight_warnings and any(ri.has_warnings for ri in self.results)
return f"""
[{(' ' + (self.label or '') + ' ').center(overall_width - 2, '-')}]
Times are in {common.unit_to_english(self.time_unit)}s ({self.time_unit}).
{'(! XX%) Measurement has high variance, where XX is the IQR / median * 100.' + newline if has_warnings else ""}"""[1:]
[docs]class Compare:
"""Helper class for displaying the results of many measurements in a
formatted table.
The table format is based on the information fields provided in
:class:`torch.utils.benchmark.Timer` (`description`, `label`, `sub_label`,
`num_threads`, etc).
The table can be directly printed using :meth:`print` or casted as a `str`.
For a full tutorial on how to use this class, see:
results: List of Measurment to display.
def __init__(self, results: List[common.Measurement]):
self._results: List[common.Measurement] = []
self._trim_significant_figures = False
self._colorize = Colorize.NONE
self._highlight_warnings = False
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(self._render())
[docs] def extend_results(self, results):
"""Append results to already stored ones.
All added results must be instances of ``Measurement``.
for r in results:
if not isinstance(r, common.Measurement):
raise ValueError(
"Expected an instance of `Measurement`, " f"got {type(r)} instead."
[docs] def trim_significant_figures(self):
"""Enables trimming of significant figures when building the formatted table."""
self._trim_significant_figures = True
[docs] def colorize(self, rowwise=False):
"""Colorize formatted table.
Colorize columnwise by default.
self._colorize = Colorize.ROWWISE if rowwise else Colorize.COLUMNWISE
[docs] def highlight_warnings(self):
"""Enables warning highlighting when building formatted table."""
self._highlight_warnings = True
def _render(self):
results = common.Measurement.merge(self._results)
grouped_results = self._group_by_label(results)
output = [self._layout(group) for group in grouped_results.values()]
return output
def _group_by_label(self, results: List[common.Measurement]):
grouped_results: DefaultDict[str, List[common.Measurement]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
for r in results:
return grouped_results
def _layout(self, results: List[common.Measurement]):
table = Table(
return table.render()